IC | First Dream

Feb 23, 2009 23:31

Robin stood at one end of the ship, the "Going Sunny", and gazed out at the rough waters. The ship was lurching forward, back, and side-to-side. Her crew members were frantically running about or doing the best they could to just stand their ground as the salty waters pounded against the side of the ship. It was like the waves were trying to knock the ship over and drag it down to the depths of the unforgiving ocean.

She barely batted an eyelash at the scene. It wasn't a very pretty sight, in all honesty. But it didn't concern her; she was practically floating over them. Her body wasn't phased by the water beating down on her, nor by the rocking of the Going Sunny. Her mind was in a calm state. Her friends -- her "nakama" -- screamed at her, but she couldn't hear them.

"Help us, Robin! "


"Do something! Save us!"

Her lips parted as she whispered:




*shuffling noises can be heard, which sounds like she's picking up a book*

I should probably avoid reading graphic novels from now on.

dream, ic

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