#30 What an amazing year

Dec 30, 2010 08:06

Recently, I seem to be needing less and less sleep. I wake at 5 plus or 6 in the morning and find it hard to get back to sleep. Which is very very unusual. I think it's God telling me to wake up and talk to Him.

So here I am now, too excited to sleep because I realised that the Lord has been so good to me this year. Actually He is good all the time, but this year really takes the cake.

So here goes. I thank God this year for:

(1) good health. Apart from medical leave for my wisdom teeth extraction, I did not fall sick at all this year. Methinks the curse of the yearly bacterial infection has lifted!

(2) family. We had our fair share of ups and downs but one more year has passed and we are still strong and happy as a unit.

(3) love. P has been nothing short of a miracle for me. We started off the year at midnight, praying for God to bless us in our relationship with Him and each other. We're ending off the year, engaged and about to the married in 5 months. In between, we finished MPC, more than just survived Gkidz with great memories, fought lots, made up quickly and strengthened our relationship in the process, I got the sparkliest, most beautiful ring in the world. More than being a shallow gift of bling, to me, it symbolised that my happiness is important to him. We probably could not really afford it but he gave me what I wanted anyway, just to see my eyes light up and my big smile. I thank God for changing me and teaching me the real meaning of love. Love is more than just fancy words, romantic feelings and expensive gifts. It is in the everyday, little things and in this respect, P is the best boyfriend (oops, it should be fiance but that sounds weird and I think I'll always be referring to him as boyfriend, even after we're married!) a girl could ever ask for.

(4) a home to call our own. After months of agonising (ok fine, not really cos we're lazy), we found a house to call home. Our very first home together. We'll be exercising the option today and we're on our way to becoming homeowners. I guess that's a sign of becoming a real, grown up adult. No more mummy and daddy picking up after me, no more magically clean and pressed laundry and no more magic well stocked fridge. ACK.

(5) a new job. This has been a sea change for me. Whilst I liked what I was doing, I just could not take the abuse and the demands of it anymore. After struggling with God for months, I finally felt the peace to resign and I did it without having found another job. I was strangely calm and unworried but I guess that how it is when God takes charge. It did not take long for me to find another job. This one is a story in itself. Everytime I have a major decision to make, I will ask God to present me with only one choice. Well, that's not much of a "choice" but you get my drift. I hate making decisions and I can never make up my mind so I let God do all the work for me. (Thanks Lord!) Everyone (esp P) has commented at how much happier and more carefree I am nowadays. Regular working hours, no BB, a non-slave mentality and 2 hour lunches is panacea for an overworked soul. I have never been happier and a large part of it stems from my new job. Sure, it is not easy starting afresh. Will my colleagues like me? (P's reply to that was a dismissive "Oh come on, everyone likes you!") ;P Will I know what I'm doing? (I still don't half the time but my boss and colleagues have been patient and helpful) What if I give wrong advice? (Boss: "Oh it's ok, just say sorry and take it back") --> This is new. It used to be "Omg omg, will we get sued??" I'm in a happy place now and I thank God for a new lease of life.

(6) new cell group. I was very upset and reluctant to obey when we were made to change cell leaders and cell group. I mean, what was going to happen to the relationships and friendships that we had built over the years?? I guess like in all other things, God always knows best. We have been tremendously blessed in our new cell group. Charles and Sivian are a lovely, Spirit-filled couple and I am so inspired by their sharing and the way they live their entire lives centered around God. Through them, I see His miracles at work and I thank God for putting us under their care.

(7) keeping me safe on the road. I have had a few close shaves with reckless drivers and sleepy driving (me!) and I thank God that the car and everyone's that's been in it is safe and in good shape.

There are a million other small things I am grateful for, too many to list. I've been trying to cultivate a thankful heart and to give thanks in every situation, all the time.

I think this year I've done not too badly and it's made me so happy. :)
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