#28 Remember, remember, the 5th of November - Officially engaged :)

Nov 07, 2010 09:50

I'm still in a cloud of surreal-ness and disbelief that I have a fiance. Haha, even that sounds funny!

After agonizing for an eternity (and P and my sisters can attest to that cos they bore the brunt of my pissiness), he finally popped the question and here we are - ENGAGED! :)

W is still post-processing the photos and maybe I'll put some up when I get around to it.

Our engagement mirrored the way we got together, just that it was more elaborate and involved our families this time. Point form recap as follows cos I'm lazy that way:

- Surreptitious planning (with a couple of loopholes!)
- Cards with sweet messages
- Set up at the Botanics (whoever stole the "Marry me?" card, why did you do that????)
- Hydrangeas!
- The most beautiful ring in the world
- On bended knee
- Lots of hugs, kisses and some tears
- Au Jardin
- Loved ones
- Rose champers
- Headache inducing smiles the entire day
- Gorgeous weather (thank You Lord!)

I'm absolutely elated even though there was so much grief the past few months! Grr, does it really take 2 months to size a ring!!!??

I feel like the happiest girl in the world and I can't wait to be married to such an amazing and loving man that God has given me. How true, He indeed makes all things beautiful in His time. :)

pius, love, marriage

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