Feb 08, 2006 18:19
I am back....!
I know it has been awhile since I've posted, but I've been reading y'alls entries and commenting (a bit)
new bands that rule my rock and roll...
-Talking Heads... can't get enough of the 80's!
-Steve Miller... the one hit wonders of the 'Fly Like and Eagle'... and they have a lot of better songs!
Joined Track
take that, softball! ha.
I think I might like Hamlin's class better than Uhler.
Turn you're iPod down, you'll be deaf by the time you are 25
I like the OC
I'm gonna make a Newspaper Skirt!
-ask me more later
I'll be alone for Valentines...
-except for my 3 wives, Jordan, Peyton, and Aneesa and my affair with Caroline
I don't want to do my Algebra homework
I'm Hungry
I don't think I'll finish sewing that rainbosw shirt
now, go to bed, children. It is getting late.