
Aug 03, 2005 00:10

Trying to recover from the Fringe. I only saw 11 shows. ::pouts:: My coworker knows I fringe, but he took the week off anyway. Bastard. So I worked all day and tried to see at least one show a night. Missed a lot that I really wanted to see, but I'm happy with what I got.

Bonhoeffer, Judgement and Tales from Another England were the highlights.

::happy sigh::

Strangely, they were all fairly sombre pieces...and disturbing in their own ways. Once upon a time I only saw improv and comedy... huh.

But what is the Fringe Festival without Fringe Moments?

The first moment... one night it's me, my friend, her husband, her daughter and a mutual friend who is not inclined toward anything other than 'G' rated stuff. The plan is to meet for supper (pizza, beer) and then catch a show. My friend selected a comedy Cleopatrick (raunchy). Okay. I warn that we have to be in line very VERY early because it's been selling out. I said 40 minutes before the tix go on sale at the latest. She took that to be the time to get in line and...the linup was down the block and around the corner.

No way we're getting into that show.

Plan B. Gloomology (comedy, despite the name). Sold-out.

Plan C. After much hemming and hawing, and assurances from hubby and friend that it didn't matter what we saw since it was just an excuse to hang out, we decided to get in line really early for Tales From Another England, a Screwed and Clued production. ::did happy dance:: This was on my must see list, so I was a happy girl.

It's not the Fringe unless you've been forced to revise your plans several times in one evening. LOL

The second moment was helping someone bend the rules. Ticket sales are limited to 4 per customer. That's it. No exceptions. So, I bought my ticket, and the booth manager asks if that was all I was buying.

Uh, yeah.

How did I feel about buying tickets for someone else? Seems a guy was supposed to get 7 tix to this show. LOL Okay. She runs over to get the guy, who hands me the money. I ask for 3 tickets, hand over the money, get the change and tickets and slip them to the guy beside me, who then steps up to the booth and buys 4 more tickets.

It's all about helping your fellow fringer. LOL

The third moment earned me $2. Sitting with some friends when I noticed someone wandering around handing out flyers for a show. It looked like a flyer for one of the ones that I'd been hearing buzz about. As the guy was walking away from someone I hustled up and asked for one.

Sure enough, it was for Facts (drama, Israeli and Palestinian investigators, murdered American, lots of social/political commentary). So I get talking to the guy - one of the actors - telling him I'd heard good things and was planning to see the show...and the woman he'd been talking to starts laughing.

Seems me and Harry (actor) came across as doing a it had all been planned to spark interest in the play. ROFLOL I loved it! So did the woman, who said she couldn't have scripted a better performance.

She dared us to do it again at another table, Harry handing out flyers and me rushing up. LOL

We didn't, but the woman was so amused, that she slipped me $2 toward the cost of the ticket ($8).

That made my night. And Harry's. And the woman's. She said it was one of the best things she'd seen in a while. ::snerk::

And I saw the play a couple of days later. It was good - and thought-provoking. And, yes, disturbing in it's own way, too.

And finally, I got a souvenir of the tattoo variety. It's only henna, so it'll disappear in a couple of weeks, but still... It's been interesting to see the reactions of friends and strangers. It's not small, nor is it in a discreet place, like shoulder blade or ankle.

I find it fascinating how some folks treat me one way, and then they catch sight of the tattoo and there is this shift in attitude. I guess only certain types of women get tattoos on their hands?? Huh.

And the people who feel they have certain...rights, also comment. At church on Sunday a woman grabbed my hand, looked at it and said "That is not permanant, right?" in the tone of voice that made the statement mean "Are you out of your ever-loving mind!?"

Anyway, here's my tattoo:

Thus endeth my Fringe experience. And lo, it was groovy.

fringe fest

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