Inatesso, part 3 of 3

Jul 16, 2006 01:11

And the last of it...

By Très Méchante

CI/X-Files Goren/Mulder slash fic (crack fic, perhaps?)

Rating: Adult

Disclaimers and warnings in part 1

~~~~ ~ ~~~~

At the bottom of the stairs, Mulder recovered first and drew back his fist, stopping only when Bobby yelled “Don’t hit her.”


Mulder looked up at Bobby in shock. “Her?” He looked down at the man - woman - weeping on the floor, realization dawning. “Twin sister.”

Voices could be heard in the kitchen and at the top of the stairs as people came to see what the commotion was all about.

Bobby and Mulder exchanged glances. It was going to be a long day.

It was early evening by the time everything settled down. State police had taken Aaron Taylor - actually Karen Thompson - to the mainland for processing. She would then be sent back to New York City to face the first in a series of murder charges.

A doctor had been by earlier to examine both Kevin and Mulder. Both were declared as healthy as could be expected given the circumstances, although Mulder was a little more banged up following his tumble down the stairs.

Throughout the afternoon, statements were taken and questions answered. By the end of the day, most of the guests had opted to leave; only the staff and a few diehards remained, including Bobby, Mulder, Kevin and Anthony.

The night air was cool, but not uncomfortable. The dark sky was clear and stars shimmered against the blackness.

“Hell of a day,” said Bobby, leaning back in his chair.

Kevin agreed. “I swear it’s going to be years - and I mean years - before I ever attend another relationship workshop.”

“Thank god,” muttered Anthony. “At least something good came out of all this.”

“Hey!” protested Kevin as everyone laughed.

On that note, they called it a night, promising to meet again for breakfast before leaving. Kevin and Anthony went back to the inn while Mulder and Bobby finished their drinks.

Mulder slouched in his chair and closed his eyes. “Okay, Bobby, fess up.”

“About what?”

“You didn’t really know the whole time it was Taylor, did you? That he’s a she, I mean.”

“Of course I did.”

Mulder turned his head and eyed Bobby. “You did?”

Bobby held his gaze for a moment before looking away. “Okay, it was Eames. She’s the one who gave me the idea.” Bobby grinned at a memory. “She, uh, she used to work vice and she told me about these women who dressed as men - not disguises, but…”

“Like drag queens,” finished Mulder.

“Right, but different. Anyway, something she said during one of our calls got me thinking. But I didn’t actually know who until he - she - came around the corner.”

Mulder pondered that for a moment. “Thanks,” was all he said.

Bobby nodded once in understanding. While Mulder was fun to tease, Bobby wasn’t about to take credit for something he didn’t do. Or in this case, knowledge he hadn’t had.

Groaning slightly, Mulder stood up and stretched. “Bed time,” he said. He cocked his head at Bobby. “Coming?”

“I’m right behind you,” he replied.

Mulder snorted. “Promises, promises.”

Bobby just shook his head and went inside. Mulder followed, grinning at Bobby’s long-suffering sigh.

Tossing the key on the side table, Bobby asked “Toss you for the bathroom?”

“Nah. You go ahead. It’ll take me a while to get out of these clothes - I think my muscles are starting to stiffen.” He glanced at Bobby with a sly grin. “Unless of course you’d like to help…?”

“In your dreams,” was the response, followed by the firm closing of the bathroom door.

Mulder chuckled. He was going to miss razzing the other man. His amusement faded quickly as he tried to peel off his t-shirt. This was going to take some maneuvering.

Bobby left the bathroom just as Mulder managed to pull the t-shirt over his head. “You should probably soak for a while,” suggested Bobby, walking into the sitting room.

“Nothing I’d like more,” said Mulder, slowly making his way toward the bathroom. “But the way my luck’s running today, I’d get into the tub and wouldn’t be able to get back out. I’ll make do with a shower. You done in there?”

Bobby did not answer.

Mulder halted and looked at his friend in confusion. “You okay?”

Silence. Mulder had the feeling Bobby was not really there.

“Hey, Bobby. Are you done hogging the bathroom?”

Bobby blinked, grabbed a shirt and left the room.

Mulder shrugged. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he said to himself, going into the bathroom. Although they hadn’t known each other very long, Mulder had become accustomed to the other man’s occasionally odd behavior. Well, somewhat accustomed to it.

The hot water helped ease the muscle aches, for which Mulder was very grateful. He would have preferred a soak in the tub, but was afraid he’d never be able to crawl back out.

Twenty minutes later, feeling marginally better, he wandered out of the bedroom and was surprised to see Bobby sitting on the bed, back against the headboard.

Bobby gave him a tentative smile. “Feeling any better?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” replied Mulder, trying to gauge Bobby’s mood.

Bobby shrugged slightly, his eyes darting around the room. “I…I just…” He sighed and reached for a small bottle on the bedside table. “Here, try this. I-I thought it might…a lot of people swear by it.”

Mulder took the bottle and read the label. “Witch hazel? What the hell - can’t hurt. Thanks.” He paused. “Actually, if you wouldn’t mind lending me a hand, I don’t think I can reach around the back.”

“Oh. Right. Um…s-sure. Turn a-around.”

Mulder turned his back to Bobby and grinned. He thought the stuttering was kind of cute, especially since it usually took a lot to fluster Bobby.

Bobby took the bottle from Mulder and reached for the pile of cotton balls as he edged towards the side of the bed.

Mulder hissed as the camp cotton touched his back.

“I-I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“No. It just surprised me - I wasn’t expecting it to feel cold,” said Mulder.

“It has an alcohol base,” said Bobby as he gently daubed a bruised area. “Better?”

“I’m good.” Mulder slowly began to relax under Bobby’s ministrations.

Lulled by the soft, tender touches, Mulder lost all track of time until they suddenly stopped. He fought back a wave of disappointment. Bracing himself to move away, he was startled to feel a hand on his hip, turning him around.

Bobby continued dabbing at the discolored skin around Mulder’s side, chest and abdomen. He was totally focused on his task, intently examining each bruise, leaning closer whenever he encountered an old scar.

Mulder fought to remain still, but could not control his body’s automatic responses to Bobby’s nearness. He could feel occasional puffs of warm breath on his bare skin, causing his own skin to pebble in goose bumps. When Bobby ran a light finger over the faint pattern of a small scar, Mulder blushed to feel his nipples harden in response.

Bobby was so close it was all Mulder could do not to reach out and touch him, caress his face, finger the salt and pepper curls.

“You have an interesting collection of scars,” commented Bobby. He gently traced a faint line between two ribs.

Mulder twitched and grabbed Bobby’s hand to stop him.

“Ticklish?” asked Bobby, cocking his head to one side.

“Not really.”

“Nervous, then?”

Mulder forced a chuckle and started to deny it, but was stopped by the look in Bobby’s eyes. “I...I feel a little like a virgin on her wedding night. I can’t believe I just said that. Talk about embarrassing.”

“Hey, it’s okay. This is all new to me, too.” Bobby gave him one of his little boy grins. “I’m not exactly at my most confident, either, you know.”

Mulder’s laugh was genuine this time. “You have to admit, you do have an advantage.”

“You’re standing, I’m sitting. That would actually give you the advantage,” commented Bobby.

“There’s that. But I mean I feel a little…underdressed, if you catch my meaning.”

Bobby nodded thoughtfully. “Easily fixed,” he said, suddenly pulling his hand from where it was still trapped against Mulder’s chest.

Mulder backed up a few steps as Bobby suddenly stood up and removed his shirt.

“What are you doing?” Mulder was appalled to hear his voice had gone up an octave.

“Leveling the playing field.” Bobby tossed the shirt onto the bed behind him.

The two men stared at each other, neither willing to make the next move. It was Bobby who made the first move. He took a step forward, bringing him close to Mulder, but not touching. Heat seemed to spark between them.

“Tell me no,” whispered Bobby.

“I can’t,” Mulder replied, his voice barely audible. He took the step that brought him in contact with Bobby’s broad chest.

There was a gasp at the sudden contact, but neither was sure who was responsible.

Bobby placed his hands on Mulder’s hips, drawing him closer. He had the fleeting thought that it was probably the first time he didn’t have to risk a crick in his neck to kiss someone. And then all thought vanished when their lips touched.

For a moment neither man moved, but suddenly, lips were caressing lips, softly, gently. This was their first kiss. The other kisses were prompted by circumstance, by the damn ‘togetherness’ sessions. But this was their real first time.

Mulder’s lips parted and the tip of his tongue ventured out to taste Bobby. Bobby’s lips parted and the tip of his tongue slipped out, tentatively touching Mulder’s.

They pulled back and stared at one another. Mulder ran his tongue over his lips, seeking a trace of Bobby. His breath hitched when he saw Bobby copy his action, tongue tracing his lips as though in search of something.

They came together suddenly, open mouthed and awkward, noses bumping and teeth clashing. Hands raced over skin, hot and urgent. Neither man was aware of having changed positions until Mulder grunted in pain.

Bobby suddenly realized he was on the bed, Mulder under him. “Jesus, Mulder, I’m sorry,” he said, rolling away. “I’m didn’t think.”

Mulder refused to let him go. “I’m okay. Just a twinge, I swear. Don’t stop.”

“Where does it hurt? Where did I hurt you?”

“You didn’t - here, right here,” he said, indicating a spot along his lower rib cage when Bobby glared at his denial.

Bobby placed a gentle hand against the spot then replaced his hand with his lips. He pressed a soft kiss of apology to the tender spot, and then moved to kiss the blossoming bruises along Mulder’s chest.

Mulder groaned at the exquisite torture.

Bobby paused and looked up. “Am I hurting you? I can stop.”

“It’ll hurt if you stop,” whispered Mulder. He reached down and tangled his fingers in Bobby’s hair, pulling him up for another kiss.

“I thought you didn’t want me to stop,” whispered Bobby between kisses.

“I don’t. But it’s my turn.” He pushed on Bobby’s shoulders, rolling him over, and began tracing the muscles of Bobby’s chest with his fingertips. Mulder grinned every time Bobby shifted and whimpered.

When Bobby reached for Mulder, he pulled back. “Ah-ah. My turn, remember?”

Bobby grumbled, but obediently lay back, stretching his arms over his head, putting his body on display. “I’m all yours.”

Mulder’s mouth went dry. Hesitating only a moment, he leaned over as though to kiss Bobby, but veered away at the last moment, placing his lips at the base of Bobby’s throat. His hands, meanwhile, slid down his chest to the top of Bobby’s jeans. He toyed with the button and slipped one finger beneath the waistband.

Bobby’s eyes closed. “Mulder…” he croaked.

Mulder looked up. “Stop?”

“God, no…”

Mulder grinned wickedly and popped the button. Slowly, carefully, he slid the zipper down, the sound loud in the sudden silence. With a shaking hand, his fingers parted the fabric, allowing Bobby’s cock its freedom.

“Commando, Detective? I didn’t think you were the type.”

“What about you, Agent Mulder?”

“That’s Special Agent, if you don’t mind.”

Bobby chuckled at rolled to his side. Eyes narrowed, Bobby considered Mulder for a moment before reaching out and running his fingers over the curve of the other man’s hip. “I wonder what makes you so special.”

He sat up suddenly, causing Mulder to roll onto his back. Bobby repeated Mulder’s earlier teasing motions. Long fingers slid easily beneath the elastic waistband of Mulder’s sweatpants. He paused before pulling the waistband down.

“Are you sure?” asked Bobby.

“Are you?” asked Mulder.

Bobby didn’t answer at first, just stared at Mulder. “Yes. A-and no. I-I mean…it’s…” he sighed heavily. “Hell, I don’t know what I mean, you know?”

“Strangely enough, I do.” Mulder sat up. “It’s all pretty new to me, too.”

Bobby flopped back onto the pillow. He gnawed on his lower lip as he gazed up at Mulder. “I’m thinking the mood’s pretty much gone, huh?”

Mulder flopped down beside Bobby, wincing slightly at the sudden contact between firm mattress and new bruises.

Bobby frowned. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“That remains to be seen, but I asked if you’re okay.”

Mulder snorted. “I’m fine. I’m also good,” he added, grinning wickedly.

“Tempting as it is to make you back up that claim, I doubt you’re in any shape for it.”

Mulder ran his hand over his chest, sliding his fingers into the waistband of his sweats. He noticed the way Bobby’s eyes darkened as they followed the path his fingers took. “Oh, I don’t know. You seem to like my shape just fine.”

“What am I going to do with you?” he huffed.

“The same thing I’d like to do with you.”

Bobby stared at him in disbelief. “Do you hear yourself? You sound like a randy teenager.”

“I feel like a teenager. I feel like a horny 16-year-old trying to figure out how many bases he can steal before getting called out.”

“You’re a long way from sixteen.”

“Yeah, but I’m still horny.” Mulder waggled his eyebrows “What do you say? Wanna fool around? Just a little? Please? Pretty please?”

“Are you begging?”

“Like I said, I’m a horny 16-year-old desperate to score with the hottest girl in - oof!” He pulled the pillow from his face. “What the hell did you do that for?”

“Calling me a girl is not the way to get into my pants,” advised Bobby.

Mulder pointed toward Bobby’s crotch. “I don’t have to get into them - you’re already out.” Mulder tried to hit Bobby with the pillow, but cried out when his abused muscles protested.

Bobby immediately rolled out of bed. “Okay, that’s it. Either you take the damn painkillers or I’ll drag you to a hospital.”

“I love it when you get all macho--”


“Alright already. They’re on the bathroom counter. Jeez…”

Bobby returned a few moments later with two tablets and a glass of water.

Mulder grimaced as he washed down the medication. “You’d think after all this time I’d be used to the taste,” was all he said before getting to his feet.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To take a leak, if you must know.” Mulder was proud of making it to the door without whimpering. He was about to close the door when Bobby stopped him. Annoyed, he snapped, “Kinda in a rush here, Bobby.”

Bobby just stared at him and stepped firmly into his personal space. Without warning, Bobby leaned in and kissed Mulder, not a slow gentle kiss, but a full-on sensual assault.

Pinned against the door frame, all Mulder could do was give in, allowing Bobby to ravage his mouth. Mulder was so addled by the kiss, that by the time he realized what was going on, it was too late.

Bobby pulled away suddenly, bowing his head to spit something into his hand. He glared at Mulder. “You know, these work a lot better if actually swallowed. Want to try it again?”

Mulder glanced down at the soggy remains of his pills. “Ah, man, that’s just gross.”

Bobby tossed them into the toilet and washed his hands. “Your partner warned me you might try something like that.” He filled a glass with water and handed Mulder two more pills. “Let’s try this again.”

“Remind me to thank my partner,” he muttered, downing the pills for real this time.

Laughing, Bobby left the bathroom, pulling the door shut after him.

When Mulder returned to the bedroom, he found the lights on low and the bedcovers turned down. He carefully crawled beneath the covers and sighed as his body began to relax. He was only vaguely aware of the sounds Bobby made as he moved around their suite.

The bed dipped as Bobby got into bed and wriggled over to Mulder, spooning behind him. Mulder leaned back against him.

“You planning to do a full body search?” asked Mulder.

Bobby huffed. “Hadn’t planned on it.”

“Too bad.”

“Go to sleep, Fox.”

“I told you not to call me that, Robert.”

Bobby lightly smacked Mulder’s hip in retaliation.

The silence lasted for several minutes, broken only the night sounds from the garden and woods. Bobby drifted toward sleep, sure that Mulder had already succumbed.


Bobby grunted.

“This is going to get complicated, isn’t it?”

Bobby sighed. “I honestly don’t know.”

“You think this is just because of the situation.” It was a statement not a question. “I think we should give this a chance.”

“Are you always this talkative in bed?” grumbled Bobby. “We’ll talk about it in the morning. Now, can we get some sleep?”


“That we’ll get some sleep? Definitely.”

“No. That we’ll talk.”

“Mulder…yes. I promise. Now sleep. Please?” Bobby settled deeper into his pillow, but didn’t let go of Mulder. “G’night.”

“Goodnight. Schmoopy.”

~~~~ ~ ~~~~

They reclaimed their car from the ferry terminal and drove back to Detroit for the flight to New York. Bobby and Mulder talked about the case, the Yankees and anything else they could think of. Neither man quite knew how to start the conversation they really needed to have.

They fell into a comfortable silence while waiting to board the plane. Bobby suddenly heaved a huge sigh. “You know what pisses me off? This whole case is not really solved - too many loose ends.”

Mulder gave him a half-smile. “Welcome to my world.”

About half-way between Detroit and New York, Bobby asked Mulder if he’d like to take in a game at Yankee Stadium some time - he wouldn’t have to worry about a hotel.

Mulder looked at Bobby speculatively, then just smiled and said he’d like that and would call the next time he had a few days off.

And just like that, the conversation they’d been dreading was done. No other words were needed.

~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~

Epilogue - 8 months later

“Hey guys! Guys! Over here!”

Bobby peered over the tops of his sunglasses toward the man trying to get their attention. “Shit.”

Mulder laughed. “Behave yourself. He really is a doll. And it’s kind of him to invite us.” He jogged on ahead. “Hey Kev. Good to see you, man.”

Bobby and Anthony shook hands. “Move went okay?” asked Bobby.

“Clinic’s up and running - and busy,” said Anthony.

The four men climbed into the horse-drawn carriage for the ride up to the inn, back to where it all began.

Once settled into their suite, Bobby and Mulder crashed. It had been a hectic few days getting ready for their trip. They’d met up in Detroit for the drive north. A long-distance relationship was proving to be a challenge, but Washington and New York were close enough that they could manage some time together. It wasn’t perfect, but it was working.

That evening, Bobby and Mulder joined Kevin and Anthony for drinks on the terrace before supper.

“This is nice,” sighed Mulder, slouching in his chair.

“The quiet before the storm,” added Kevin. “The first customers arrive Saturday - and we’re pretty much already booked through the fall.”

After the incident with the homicidal presenter, the owner had put the inn up for sale. Kevin bought it and spent the winter doing renovations. Mulder and Bobby were there as special guests before the inn officially opened.

“So, did you ever figure out what happened to the treasure?” asked Kevin.

Bobby frowned. “I’m afraid that goes into the books as unsolved.”

“How’d you like to change that?” Kevin was all but vibrating with excitement.

Bobby and Mulder exchanged looks. “Change it how?” asked Mulder.

Anthony placed a file on the table. “We found this when we were trying to complete the details of sale.” He grinned. “The inn was originally owned by a numbered company that was owned by another numbered company and so on and so on. As far as we can tell, the treasure wasn’t buried at the inn. The inn itself is the treasure.”

“Holy…” Bobby reshuffled the papers, rereading each one. “But…how? Surely someone would have picked up on it before now.”

Mulder shook his head. “Or maybe not. Everyone was looking for jewels, not real estate.” He looked between Anthony and Kevin. “So what tipped you off?”

Kevin handed him a faded brochure for the inn. He opened it, and began to laugh. Handing it to Bobby, he pointed to the logo. “Where time passes and yet stands still - modern amenities, historic charm.”

“Uh, I hate to be a killjoy, but if this place was bought with ill-gotten money…” Mulder hesitated when Kevin began to look a little sick.

Bobby frowned thoughtfully. “We don’t actually know that it was. I-I mean Aronovitch offered to give up the remaining jewels - at least that’s the wording in the report. Nothing about real estate.”

Mulder smiled. “So, it’s still one of those unsolved mysteries, is what you’re saying.”

“Pretty much.” Bobby looked at Kevin and Anthony. “If jewels turn up, however, you will notify the proper authorities, right?”

Anthony grinned. “Absolutely.”

Later that night, lounging in the center of the bed, Bobby absently traced patterns along the sweat-slicked skin of Mulder’s back. Both men were slightly breathless, but sated.

Mulder shifted slightly. “You don’t think it’s questionable?”

“What’s questionable?”

“About the inn.”

“Not in the least. No proof about the ownership. Besides, no one is interested. Insurance paid off on the jewels ages ago. Aronovitch’s murderer is in prison, and all is right with the world.”

Mulder chuckled. “Hey, I’m not arguing.”

Silence descended on the room as they both drifted to sleep. Suddenly Mulder whispered sleepy, “Night, Schmoopy.”

“Give it a rest,” grumbled Bobby sleepily, even as his arms tightened around his lover.


crossover, fandom: x-files, pairing: bobby goren/fox mulder, character: bobby goren, fanfic, character: fox mulder, fandom: law & order criminal intent, title: inatteso

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