July Fic Masterlist

Jul 31, 2011 23:00

While I did manage to finish my big bang fic, it is still in edit. The story goes live Aug 5 or 6.

Only two smaller stories were posted in July:

Due South
== The Art of Bluffing [teen]; Ray Kowalski, Benton Fraser; written for 50ficlets ~985 words; summary: He doesn't play to win anymore; he plays to shake Fraser's cool.

== Just Another Day [teen]; Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Impala, OCs; ~985 words; summary: A story in which someone gets hustled at pool, someone else needs a miracle worker, and the Impala feels a bit envious. Oh, and there's the obligatory evil to be vanquished, of course.

On the drawing board:

== Sherlock (BBC); John/Sherlock; Summary: There are none so blind as those who will not see. Four people who looked, and one who saw. (complete, posting Aug 1)
== Lost Girl; Dyson/Kenzi - 2 fic - possessiveness, marking/claiming, animalistic behaviour (due Aug 6, 16)
== Blood Ties; Mike/Henry - claiming/marking (due Aug 13)
== Numb3rs; Larry Fleinhardt/Margaret Eppes; unrequited love (due Aug 9)

Why yes, rounds_of_kink is underway. How did you guess? *g*

== Criminal Minds; Garcia/Hotch; road trip - still in planning stages; possibly by January/12
== Hawaii Five-O; Danny/pretty darn near everyone; rough draft started; possibly October/11

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master list by month, writing

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