Christmas randomness - notes from my life

Dec 20, 2010 22:20

Sleigh bells are ringing!

Tree: decorated
Gift shopping: complete
Wrapping: done!
Cards/parcels: mailed (late, but they are mailed)
iPod update: Christmas music loading
Baking: are you kidding me?! WHEN?!?!?!

*le sigh*

Well, if the only thing left undone this Christmas is the baking, I'm doing okay. I was trying to figure out why none got done and then it hit me: Last year I took a day off work to bake. This year I booked off the week between Christmas and New Year. I'll have to rethink this come Christmas 2011...

Office Party:
Last Thursday was the office Christmas pary. There's only Zip, Big Guy and me, so we went to dinner along with their wives. I was invited to bring mom or a significant other but mom wasn't interested. Anyway, we went to my fave Italian restaurant (well, no one else would make a decision so I just called up, made reservations and told the boys when and where to show up). It was sooo good.

Random amusement: This was a Christmas party. There are five of us at the time. I was the only non-Jew. My life is so weird sometimes! LOL

Plans for Holidays:
December 24 - Off work around 2pm; midnight Mass
December 25 - Sleep in; dinner with Hev's family
December 26 - Dinner with L since she won't be able to be at Hev's place
December 27 - Sis and her gang, assuming she isn't pitching a hissy about something, coming over for dinner
December 28 - Errands with mom
December 29-31 - no set plans other than sleep

And somewhere in there, I need to start sketching out the story for my next bigbang. It'll be a sequel to Kiss of the Blue Moon over at tresmechantefic. I also need to keep going on the 50ficlets tables. Oh, and there are some rowdy plotbunnies rattling the door to hutch.

Let's not talk about getting stories up at my website.

Also, I've flagged a whole whack of fic for reading when I've got a moment.

Happy Holidays!! LOL

work, website, writing, celebrations, christmas, cooking

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