Fic - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "Still Waters" - Willow/Tara (Mature)

Aug 01, 2009 13:17

Entry 1 of 6 for Round 12 of rounds_of_kink. Not graphic, but rated for subject. Posted here for archival purposes.

Title: Still Waters
Author: tres_mechante
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/character: Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay
Rating: FRM (Mature)
Disclaimer: So not mine. The characters were kidnapped by my muse for nefarious but ultimately enjoyable purposes. No infringement intended. No profit made. No point in legal action.

Word count: 1,200 approx.

Prompt: Everyone thinks Tara is shy and kind of mousy. Willow knows better. Requested by umbralillium
Kink: bondage
Notes/Warnings: I like the idea that Tara and Willow’s relationship is a bit different in private. No warnings; no specific timeline.

~~~ ~ ~~~

Buffy flopped into the recliner. “Well, that was kind of disappointing.”

Xander agreed. “No kidding. All that prep and planning and training and then…poof.”

Everyone nodded from wherever they lounged. The latest threat to Sunnydale was - according to the Watchers diaries - virtually invulnerable to all known weapons. In the end, at least as far as they could tell, it died of fright when a rat ran across its path.

Xander broke the silence. “So, who’s up for the Bronze?”

Buffy jumped up. “Count me in! I need to burn off some energy and it’s still kinda early for patrolling.”

Spike just scoffed. “Depends on where you look, now don’t it?” He stood up and head for the door. “Well, I’m off.”

“Sure you don’t want to come dancing with us? I’ll even buy you a beer,” offered Xander.

“Pfft. Not enough beer in the world to make me be seen with you anywhere near a dance floor. Don’t know what you’re doin’ out there, but dancing it ain’t.”

“Bite me, fangless. Oh, wait. You can’t.”

“That’s enough,” came a tired voice from the corner. Giles didn’t even bother opening his eyes. “Xander don’t taunt the impotent vampire. Spike, your money is on the table. All of you get out. Now.”

They looked at each other, grabbed their things and left Giles to his own devices.

Xander came up behind Willow and Tara and threw his arms around their shoulders. “What about my witchy women? Gonna come and shake your groove thangs?”

Willow laughed and elbowed him in the side, forcing him to step back. “Enough of that, mister. What about Anya?”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “She’s at one of those get rich quick seminars.”

Xander laughed and swung Tara into his arms. “How about you, Miss Maclay? Want to trip the light fantastic?”

Spike smirked at them. “Tripping would be the word for it, if you’re doin’ it, whelp,” he said before disappearing in a billow of leather duster and cigarette smoke.

Tara blushed and giggled and looked over at Willow. “I-I guess we c-could go for a while. B-but we can’t stay late.”

Willow shrugged. “Works for me.”

~~~ ~ ~~~

The Bronze was packed, but the band was hot and everyone took to the dance floor to burn off the energy left over from the fight that wasn’t.

It was almost 11 p.m. when their little party broke up.

Buffy put on her jacket. “I’m going to do a quick sweep before heading home. My first class isn’t until 10, so I’m going to sleep in.”

Tara stood up as well. “I-I think we sh-should be going, too,” she said, looking at Willow.

Willow bounced up out of her chair. “Oh, but the band is going to do another set. We don’t have to get up too early, do we?”

Tara smiled apologetically at Xander before turning to Willow. “Sweetie, you’ve been going non-stop all week. I-I really think it’s time to slow down.”

“But--” she cut off whatever she was going to say when Tara gently laid a hand on her wrist. Willow sighed. “Okay.”

Xander shrugged. “Buff, could you walk the ladies back? I’m going to stay a while longer.”

“You sure?” asked Buffy.

“Oh yeah. There’s a blond wearing leather over by the bar who is just begging for some attention from the Xan-Man.” Xander grinned. “I’m off tomorrow, so I’m planning to close the place down - unless, of course, the blond has other plans.”

Xander bestowed a hug and a kiss on each of his ladies and then disappeared into the crowd.

Buffy was confused. “What about Anya?”

“I-I think they’re on a break,” said Tara.

“Oh! Hey, maybe Anya is the blonde he’s meeting!” Willow started bouncing up on her toes to look over the crowd, but settled down again when Tara tugged on her wrist.

Buffy shrugged. “We’ll clean up whatever mess there is later. C’mon, let’s get going. I’ll walk you guys back to the dorm and then go on to the cemetery.”

The three women headed out, leaving their friend to his romantic pursuits.

~~~ ~ ~~~

“Willow, you need to settle down.”

“I can’t. I’ve got all this energy a-and no way to burn it off.” Willow grinned at Tara. “Wanna help?”

Tara said nothing, and simply went to the antique wood chest at the foot of their bed. She opened it and rummaged around for a few moments before straightening and closing the lid. Tara moved to the rocking chair and sat down.

“Willow, come here.” When Willow continued to bounce around the room, Tara added, “Now.”

As though someone had thrown a switch, Willow came to a halt. She immediately went to Tara and knelt in front of her, although she continued to fidget.

Tara sighed. “If you don’t settle down, you’re never going to sleep,” she said gently. “Neither of us will.”

Willow nodded and lowered her eyes. “I’m just so wired. We did all those spells getting ready to fight that thing, and-and then the adrenaline and I feel like…like…I’ve got to do something, burn it off somehow.”

Tara placed a finger under Willow’s chin and raised her face so she could look into Willow’s eyes. “You’re going to cut back on the magic - and the coffee. Not a word,” she said when Willow made to protest. “But the important thing right now is to get you quiet enough to sleep. Okay?”

“Okay,” whispered Willow.

Tara motioned for Willow to remove her nightgown and kneel beside the chair. When she was in place, clad only in pale pink panties, Tara held up a length of iridescent cord. Willow whimpered.

“Hush,” whispered Tara, trailing delicate fingers across Willow’s lips.

Willow became silent.

Tara passed her fingers over Willows eyelids, which fluttered, closed and remained that way.

“Such a good girl,” said Tara as she stood and began to wrap the soft, strong cord around Willow in an intricate pattern. When it was done, Willow was wrapped tight in the strange binding. The single strand bound her arms behind her, bent so that hands clasped her elbows. The cord wove around her torso, framing her breasts and softly rounded belly before twining between and around her legs to bind her ankles together.

Through it all, Willow remained perfectly silent.

Tara stood in front of Willow and admired the picture she made. With a nod of satisfaction, Tara went to make a cup of herbal tea, something to promote relaxation and sleep.

Taking the cup back to the rocking chair, Tara sat and rocked gently, her eyes never leaving the still form of her lover. Finally, she leaned over and held the cup to Willow’s lips.

Willow sipped the brew as instructed, never once opening her eyes or making a sound. When the cup was taken away, Willow was pulled into a more comfortable position, resting against Tara’s thigh. Tara began to stroke Willow’s hair and gently pulled her head onto her lap. Willow moved without hesitation.

Tara took another sip of her tea and looked across the room into the large standing mirror. She watched the two women reflected there. It was a pretty picture, she decided, stroking the soft red hair; a very pretty picture, indeed.


character: tara maclay, fanfic, character: willow rosenberg, pairing: willow rosenberg/tara maclay, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer

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