Title: Surprise Discovery
Author: Très Méchante
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters/Pairing(s): Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg - mention of Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay
Summary: “Wow,” said Buffy. “That’s…huh. You don’t see that every day.” Buffy and Willow come across something unexpected when they follow a scream in the night.
Rating/Warnings: FRT (Teen); crack!fic
Spoiler: none
Word count approx 550 words
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They have merely been borrowed to satisfy the whims of my muse, and will be returned in reasonable operating condition. Eventually.
Notes: Written for the
slashtheimage prompt 020 - my interpretation of what the heck the picture actually is. Also - I've always loved the characters' ability to redefine weird.
~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~
Buffy and Willow were still full of energy after an evening of dancing at The Bronze. They were taking the long way back to the dorms when they heard the scream.
“This way!” Buffy took off at a run, Willow following hot on her heels. They cut through an alley and came to an abrupt halt at the other end.
“Wow,” said Buffy. “That’s…huh. You don’t see that every day.”
“Where did that come from?” asked Willow, sounding almost as surprised as Buffy looked.
A threatening growl was sent their way as they walked past the large creature covered with feather-like fur - or maybe fur-like feathers? - holding a man in one claw. Large bloodshot eyes followed their progress as the two your women crossed the street to stop in front of a store window.
Buffy shook her head in disbelief. “I never thought I’d see a sex shop in this part of town,” she said. Buffy looked at the display in the window and pointed to something hanging off to the side. “Do I even want to know what that is?”
“Oh! That’s kind of like a condom. It’s mostly for V’tek demons, but it’s really cool for humans who--” Willow broke off her impending babble and blushed furiously.
Buffy grinned at her friend. “Something you want to tell me, Wills? Wait - demons practice safe sex? And how exactly do you know about this?”
A gurgling hiss could be heard, followed by the sound of grunting and trash cans over turning.
Willow shifted nervously. “Well, see, there’s this shop in that strip mall near Willies bar, a-and, um, well, - I mean me and Tara, well, mostly me I guess, we went there once. Okay, maybe twice or-or five times.”
“Do I want to know why you even went there once?” asked Buffy, eyeing the window display incredulously.
“Oh, i-it wasn’t bad or anything. It’s just the fur on the handcuffs was getting kinda thin and the leather was starting to chafe so we were looking for a replacement. That’s all. Really. Nothing, you know, too kinky.”
Buffy’s eyebrows rose almost to her hairline. “Handcuffs. Huh. And that led you to that?” she asked, pointing to the V’tek condom thing.
“The clerk is in my Anthro 101 course and we kind of got to talking about study groups and one thing led to another and…uh…shutting up now.” Willow smiled tentatively at her friend, blushing even more.
Buffy looked back and forth between Willow and the display. “So. Tara lets you handcuff her?”
“Well, actually…”
Buffy blinked a few times. “Tara handcuffs you?”
The window suddenly shattered, causing both women to jump back quickly. A look inside the shop revealed a trash can had been tossed through the window. They looked back across the street in time to see a man running down the alley away from the large blue demon.
The demon paid the running man no attention, instead focusing on the two women. It hissed, gurgled and growled at them, ferret-like muzzle snapping and claws waving before stomping off.
Buffy and Willow watched in shock as it mounted a bicycle and rode off with a final gesture in their direction.
“Oh my goodness, Buffy! Did you see that?”
“Yeah. I can’t believe it. That demon just flipped us the bird!”
What can I say? I was in the mood for something crackish.