CSI ficlet - Book Lovers - Al Robbins/OFC (Adult)

May 31, 2009 20:52

Title: Book Lovers
Author: Très Méchante

Summary: Doc Robbins stumbles across something more interesting than books at the library.

Rating: Adult
Warnings: Sexual encounter; sexual innuendo; public sex

Word count: 1,600 approx.

Spoilers: None.

Disclaimer: Characters are not mine - well, except for Judy, but since Doc seems to be rather smitten with her, I guess she can stay with him.

Notes: Written for the older_not_dead. Prompt was any fandom, any pairing, library. Cross-posted to mmom as a last minute entry.

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Al Robbins glared at the rain pelting the glass doors. He’d barely stepped into the library to return his wife’s books when the downpour began. It looked like he’d be hanging out for awhile.

Al wandered over to the periodicals and picked up a few magazines that looked interesting. He looked around for a quiet place to sit, but most of the tables were filled with students - noisy students, at that.

One of the clerks saw his predicament and directed him towards a little used corner of the library, where he could read in peace. Al thanked her and made his way to the promised haven.

Wandering between the shelves, he looked around, noting the changes the library had undergone over the years. As he turned down another aisle, he suddenly stopped, backed up a few steps and looked down the other aisle.

A lush set of cheeks lovingly hugged by faded jeans caught his attention. Not normally an ass man, he nonetheless appreciated a well-formed set of buttocks. It took some doing, but he eventually lifted his eyes to check out the owner of the fabulous tush.

He was on some level grateful that the object of his attention was female - he was too damn old for a sexuality crisis. He was also relieved to note the woman was indeed a woman and not one of those college kids.

The faded red t-shirt hugged a softly rounded body - a body that was bent over a low shelf studying the pages of a book. His attention was drawn to the sway of her hips, the slow rhythm hypnotic. He focused on that alluring movement until the sound of something falling brought him back to awareness of his surroundings.

It went against his better judgment, but Al moved a little closer to the alluring woman, determined to put a face to the body. He was also curious about what she was reading that seemed to have her so enthralled - and fidgety. Feeling naughty in a way he hadn’t felt in decades, he moved steadily down the aisle, pausing only to deposit his own reading material on a random shelf.

Al changed his approach at the last moment so that he wasn’t coming up right behind her. He just wanted to a better look, not to scare her into calling security. His movements must have caught her attention, however, because he suddenly found himself staring into vivid blue eyes. For once, Al was at a loss as to what to say.

They both jumped when a voice said, “Excuse me, please.”

A young library clerk struggled to navigate a media cart around them to one of the meeting rooms.

Al stepped out of the way and suddenly found himself much closer to the object of his attention.

“Hi,” she said, her voice reminiscent of Kathleen Turner at her finest.

“Hi,” he said, his voice reminiscent of a shy teenage boy with a crush.

They stared at each other, only drawing apart when the clerk went by them again.

Clearing his throat, he introduced himself. “I’m Al.” He held out his hand.

“I’m Judy,” said replied, taking his hand. “Nice to meet someone who’s out of college.”

“What makes you think I’m not a student?”

Her eyes widened and a blush washed her cheeks. “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean...that’s...of course you could be...I’m just making things worse, aren’t I?”

Al laughed. “You were right the first time. I’m definitely not a student.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “It does seem like college day care around here today, doesn’t it?”

Judy laughed and relaxed. “I admit I was feeling a bit out of place.”

Al grinned, knowing exactly what she meant. Now that he was able see her up close and personal, he realized Judy was older than he’d first thought - probably only a few years younger than himself. Highlights in her hair hid any gray, and her brilliant blue eyes shone through red-framed glasses. Even the lines around her eyes seemed to add interest to the beautiful face.

“See something you like?”

He blushed, not liking that he’d been caught staring. “Not to sound like a bad pickup line or anything, but I really can’t help it. You are a very beautiful woman.”

Her smile was radiant.

The silence between them stretched out, bordering on awkward. Finally, Al cleared his throat. “So, uh, what were you reading before I so rudely interrupted you?”

He was surprised to see a look of panic come over her. She blushed and quickly turned around and closed the book, putting her hands on top to hide the title.

Al Robbins was not a man to walk away from a mystery. He edged closer to her, trying to look over her shoulder. When that failed, he simply reached around and gently lifted her hand away.

Oh. A sex manual. A photographic sex manual.

A small whimper drew his attention from the book to the woman now trapped between his body and the counter top. “I’m so embarrassed,” Judy whispered.

“I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” he said quietly. “Sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me.”

“I can’t imagine what you must think of me.”

Al flipped open the book and leafed through a few pages. His body responding to Judy’s nearness and the erotic images before him, Al whispered into her ear “What I think is that you are a very desirable woman.”

Judy’s response was to push back against his groin. She giggled, obviously finding evidence of his arousal. Al hoped it was a pleased giggle.

Al thrust forward slightly and the giggle changed to a gasp.

Judy turned to a different section of the book. “This is my favourite,” she said. “This is what I was looking at...before.”

Leaning forward just a bit more, Al nestled his poor trapped cock against the curve of Judy’s ass and rubbed himself against her. The combination of two pairs of jeans blunted the sensation, but the sheer wrongness of doing this in public added to the pleasure.

Judy shifted slightly, then reached back and grabbed at Al’s belt, bringing him tighter to her. As he shifted his grip on his walking stack for better balance, he realized what Judy had done. She was now on her toes, rubbing against the counter top, the corner up against the seam at her crotch.

Rocking back and forth between him and the shelf, Judy was bringing herself off. All Al could do was hold on for the ride. With her head leaning back against his shoulder, he could watch the flush of passion wash over her features. He worried that she would draw blood when her teeth bit down on her lip, stifling gasps and moans.

Al leaned more heavily against Judy when he felt himself getting closer to release. His weight pushed Judy more firmly forward, causing her to suddenly stiffen, whimper and then finally relax against him. Her limbs trembled slightly and a blissful smile curved her lips. She opened her eyes and looked at him as his thrusts became more urgent.

“What are you doing?” exclaimed a shocked female voice.

Judy and Al sprang apart, the mood definitely broken.

The young clerk from earlier stood a few feet away, a look of disbelief on her face. “You were...you...I-I think you both better leave.” She glared at them when they didn’t move. “I’m calling security.”

Judy and Al blushed like teenagers caught by making out.

“Don’t bother,” said Judy. “We’re going.”

When Judy made a show of straightening her clothes and gathering her things, the clerk huffed something about them being gone in five minutes or else before scurrying away.

Al watched the girl go. “Do you think we’ve scarred her?”

Judy snorted. “I’ll leave the name of a good child psychologist at the desk.”

They looked at each other and started sniggering.

“Oh, that was close,” gasped Judy.

“Not close enough,” groused Al, indicated his still evident erection.

Judy grinned. “You a voyeur at heart, Al?”

“When you’ve got it...”

Judy snorted. She looked around and indicated the washroom. “You need a minute?”

Al thought about it, but shook his head. “No. You can take care of it when we get home.”


They slowly walked toward the exit. “Well, you’re the cause of it. And where the hell did you get those jeans? I thought I was going to have a stroke.”

Judy laughed. “Believe it or not, they belong to my sister. Oh, wait.” She hurried back and picked up the book she’d been reading and slipped it into her oversized purse.

Al stared. “That wasn’t a library book?”

Judy rolled her eyes. “This might be Las Vegas, but even that would be a little much for a public library. I bought it at a specialty shop yesterday.” She gave him a sideways glance. “While I was there I also picked up a little something to help with page 57.”

Al wasn’t quite sure how respond to that.

He smiled at the glaring clerk as they left the library and wondered if he’d ever be able to go back. The rain had passed and the sun was breaking through the clouds. It was going to be a hot humid night.

“Judy? How did you know I’d be staying at the library? You couldn’t have known it was going to pour at that moment?”

Judy gazed at her husband in fond exasperation. “Honestly, Al. You’re really not the most observant person, are you? I’ve been following you all day. You’re just lucky the rain held off while you were at the bank.”


fanfic, character: al robbins, fandom: csi

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