1. Please leave a comment when taking from my posts.
It only takes 5 seconds to type "thanks". I do take time to make a PSD and hope everyone enjoys them.
2. I ask whatever colorings I post please do not distribute them anywhere else. They are for you to use.
3. Leave a comment if you want the download link and I will respond to you as quickly as possible so you can have the PSDs at your convenience.
4. Please be patient with me I will answer all your requests. No requests will be ignored!
5. If you find my colorings posted from other communities such as PSD_TUTS or COLORINGHELP and your not a member to this community,please follow the rules like everyone else.
I'm sorry that I have to enforce some rules. I do appreciate your comments. Even if others think that I'm "pimping" out comments. In away if you take things without a persons acknowledgement, it's stealing. You wouldn't claim someone's ideas, work, or words as your own right?