It's on Facebook so now it's official

Apr 03, 2012 02:22

I never posted earlier because one of my prime emotional motivators was to be kept under my hat, but the cat's out so here we are.
It's one thirty AM, naturally I'm wide awake after my nana spent the evening feeding me wine and asking why I hate hugging other people so much. It was intense. For the record, one of my least favorite things is the greeting/goodbye hug. The lead up to it makes me sweat. I try to leave places when the host is busy. For some reason, if a hug is natural in the social encounter, it's tolerable, and on occasion I've even been known to initiate one or two. Curious.
I ought to be sleeping because the alarm will go off at 0530 so Noah can snuggle the cat for a couple hours while I get the final items packed for our three week long road trip to Southern California. No word of a lie, he wanted to wake up early to spend time with the cat. Some of our more notable stops include Portland, San Fran, camping in the Mojave Desert, Death Valley, some awesome beach in So Cal and even camping near Mt Ste Hellen's. It's a state park road trip. We'll be spending a total of six nights in hotels when we're in Portland, San Fran and Lake Tahoe. Actually in San Fran we're staying in our brother-in-law's sister's condo. It pays to know people in high places. We're slao doing a wine tour in Napa Vslley. The part I'm most excited about is camping in Death Valley. I hope I see some strange (to me) wildlife.
We kicked off this voyage with a little trip to Mt Washington and stayed in a cabin with the vibrant Kirsten and Jonny and had so much fun. To my absolute delight they are now engaged! I'm still trying to figure out if Jonny seemed distracted or nervous, but there were so many other things going on. I'm just so thrilled. I really wonder what Kirsten will create in the planning process. She's so creative in everything she does, this will merely be s unique platform for her ideas.i digress, Noah and I went snowshoeing, which decreased the chances of destroying myself hurdling down the hill and therefore far more suitable. I was pleasantly surprised by the calm and beauty out in the bush up there.
We also visited Noah's sister and her husband and new born (7 weeks) baby boy, Connor. Yes both a nephew and a brother by the same name, I love it. Anyway an absolutely adorable child that makes your brain ooze those feel-good hormones, but still not enough for me to be even close to the decision to have my own (something for another blog post). They've got a really efficient system and everything seems to be going as well as having a baby can be. There was no awkward hugging at the goodbye (because they know about my anxiety related to this) but they did ceremoniously ask if we'd be Connor's "god parents". We immediately agreed in unison.
On our way back home our car was playing April Fools tricks on us. Every time we started the car, and at a few other strange intervals, the trunk would open by itself. So between that and a couple other concerning issues with the Jetta we opted to rent a car for our trip. So there's a sexy new Prius in our driveway and we're both thinking about an upgrade in the coming year. The rental half pays for itself in fuel savings, not to mention how much more mother nature will be inclined to forgive us for our selfish holiday.
Between Noah finishing school, all the insurance we've bought this week, nephews and being "god parents", and Kirsten getting married, among other things, it seems adulthood has reminded me of its role in my life... Still, I jump on playgrounds when I go past them. I don't fucking care if I look like a fool. Today though, it's a bloody good time to be an adult.

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