Mar 23, 2012 19:16
I've been feeling quite dedicated to reviving this blog, but I've been rather preoccupied with the purpose of it. There's humor to my stories, but yet there's also moral, sentiment and overall a deeper theme of who I am. There's an honesty to my words. So be it. I have incurred much wrath from my honest words in the past, but let this be a warning to you all. Life ain't always pretty. Work, relationships and even pets are sometimes hideous, but that does not make them all bad and if you read my words and feel they are not redeemable then read no furthur. You've been fairly warned.
Be a duck, not a sponge. Let it be water off your back, not something for you to absorb. These words are nothing but my own tales. Let them entertain you, but not concern you. The human experience ought to be shared. Let this blog be my offering. Take from it what you will, but do not judge me or hurt me. These tales are nothing but captures in the spectrum of my existence.