So we saw this totally silly movie called Into the Blue the best part was the ending you'll all see why if you watch it, any hoots me and Nicole have agreed to become treasure hunters and quit everything else.
Well anyway the
My Dream
Starts off being treasure hunters and we're at this odd place a big castle like thing, and they lower me down into it searching for buried loot, what do I find? A shoe box of magic cards, no gold no silver, nothing else because when I find the shoe box of magic cards I was like this is enough, so I tell them to bring me back up, inside the box are a bunch of valuable cards, and I was very pleased with myself.
The next thing I know is I'm seeing the story from the owner of these cards who is named Izzy, he's looking for them. Then calls me up and tells me to bring them back.
So I do on my way there I get lost in a maze that was suppose to stop me before, but didn't for some reason. I return the cards and then Izzy tells me since I've been so honest that he will give me one card of my choosing, so for you of those that don't play magic you won't understand the card I picked. But for you that do:
Anyhoots I thought it was a happy dream.
See-ya all later.