Jun 21, 2004 16:48
Type your username with your:
nose: trepaperclip
elbow: trepoaqperclipo
tongue: trepaperclip
chin: telazl;dsrc,iujlk
feet: trepaperclip
eyes closed and one finger: trepaperclip
back of my hand: rerpoiqz[poitestrcfd,liop;l[
palm: trepsp0;fdefcx4dl.;iop;
mouse: trepapercclip
wrist:rew4posoprewtr vclpop[;
hm not bad...
nothing much has happend lately
went to the beach thurs. came back yesterday
i got bit by something on both ankles and had some freak allergic reaction and my ankles swelled up but yeah i seem to be better now
thats all for now
<3 caitlin