Feb 09, 2006 09:06
though i did not think it was even possible, i think my eyesight has actually gotten worse. all this week i've been getting horrible, splitting headaches at work, and i'm having trouble focusing on things in low lighting for any length of time. not good!
the bitch of it is that i am on my last pair of disposable contacts and i do not have vision insurance. so, i have several options:
1) hope that my prescription hasn't changed (even though i totally think it has!), skip the (potentially pricy) eye exam and just shell out for more contacts,
2) suck it up and pay out of pocket for both an eye exam and new contacts, and god knows how much that would cost,
3) ask my parents to pay for an eye exam and new contacts as my birthday present (BOOOO, LAME),
4) forget about contacts and save my money and just stick with my glasses which are certainly the wrong prescription.
how good of a seeing eye dog do you think spoon would be?