Dec 12, 2004 23:10
this has been the shitty weekend to end all shitty weekends. that's all i'm gonna say. cuz whoever's close to me know what went down anyway...but let's just say i'm sick of all the bullshit, all the lying...people need to grow up...i suppose i do too, but at least i have the courage to tell someone to their face whatever i'm feeling. oh well. my little's coming over tomorrow night, and we're just gonna spend the night talking and figuring out a plan for ourselves. cause we need it. i need to just do things to improve myself, my life, my situation, my love life (or lack thereof, haha)...and i think if i actually sit down and work out a plan with someone, i can do it. so, yeah, hopefully i'll do some good thinking. and may i just say that i have the best little ever? i couldn't have ever asked for a better one. there was definitely a reason she pledged the semester i was in line to get a little, and i'm thankful that i got her. so thanks little, for sometimes seeming to be the only one who knows exactly where i am and how i'm feeling. i love you!
'tis time for bed now.