RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) -- Inspired by the documentary "Super Size Me," Merab Morgan decided to give a fast-food-only diet a try. The construction worker and mother of two ate only at McDonald's for 90 days -- and dropped 37 pounds in the process."I had to think about what I was eating," Whaley said. "I couldn't just walk in there and say 'I'll take a cinnamon bun and a Diet Coke.' ... I know a lot of people are really turned off by the whole thought of monitoring what they are eating, but that's part of the problem."
Thank god I am hearing about this finally. "Supersize Me" was probably the dumbest movie ever made...I could walk into any restaurant in the US and nearly kill myself by eating there for 30 days. It's all what you eat, not where. The food company didn't make you fat...you put the fat there yourself.
r u dot-hot? I can ride them fine...but planes are still scary as hell. THEY WERE FROZEN!!! ahhhhhhhhh! Maybe he missed?I guess not "I ain't threatening nobody, and I ain't pointing a gun at nobody,'' Mattlage said. "This is Texas." Yes, yes it is Mattlage.
I have also decided that young people should hate old people...cause I have to pay ever time there old ass breaks. And if I get to be 65 (or 70 or 100 or 2552626 or whatever they make it) years old and don't see my social security money I am going to shoot somebody in the face. Maybe multiple people...and a puppy.
SOCIAL SECURITY BLOWS ASS! Lemmy keep my moneys damn-it, If I keep feeding the old people they keep getting hungry.
"People have the right to ask, and people have the right to say no," activist and former city council member Derrick Boazman said.
Marcus, a billionaire philanthropist, said he has donated $600,000 through his foundation to the Gateway Center, a 300-bed facility for the city's homeless.
Several critics call the proposed ban a civil rights issue since many of the beggars are black.
"This is really about poor, black men. We're bad for business," said Joe Beasley, a 68-year-old Atlanta native who heads the regional office of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. 1. A stranger off the street has no _right_ to ask me for anything. I will see that you could need some cash and help you...if I wanna. I have a _right_ to be in public without being harassed right?
And just because many of the beggars are black doesn't mean it is a civil rights issue...I see it as a law against ALL people pan handling, not just blacks pan handling. Maybe they actually do hate pan handling instead of hating black people.
I'm not saying that discrimination and racism is gone from the face of the planet...but if you are looking to be the victim you always will be.