Not too much happened, work, home, room, computer. I need to be getting to bed soon though, have to work 11-4 tomorrow. At least I don't sleep much, so I can get by on less sleep than most. 5 hours is great sometimes.
Medical update: As soon as I finished my last post, I got a call from a higher authority at my doctor's office to make sure I was alright and to see what the problem was. Still, they thought the issue was money, and I told her it wasn't that at all, that I was just frustrated for waiting so long for a call back so I could adjust my medicine properly, with their full knowledge and approval. I did, however, learn something about my medicine and possibly why I crashed like I did. It also has a diuretic (water loss magical dust), which in this heat and not knowing I have to replinsh fluids more often than normal..... kinda makes sense. Especially as fast as it came on.
On a lighter note, I just finished this new IQ test I thought was pretty neat. Here's the link from my page: