Feb 14, 2004 12:14
So everyone thinks that this day was made by hallmark,
To those who swear by it, you idiots, hallmark just exploited it,
the REAL reason theres a valentines day was because of
He was marrying people against the church's will and they burned him at the stake
(pleasant thought no?)
so what we are actually celebrating is his martyrdom,
because he got burned alive trying to make people happy
and everyone wonders why valentines day sucks, Especially when people break up with you (this i never understood, you could wait like 5 extra days to do it, but Noooo, has to be on Valentines day, good lord people, youd think the meaning romance might have something to do with dating, but no, its obviously melodrama, lots of it)
Not to mention What better way to express you feelings towards your significant other than with the reproductive organs of a flower , Nothin says I love you more than handing me a penis or a uterus
Think thats gross, well you got to ask yourself, Do you REALLY want reproductive organs, its the same damn thing, Scrotum and teste, or flowers (what to get her).
Id figure thats how the cannibals do it,
"Awww.. you shouldnt have,....noo REALLY you shouldnt have..."
This is just how i express myself on valentines day, in fact, i might print this out and just post it everywhere, lol
I hate valentines day.