Oct 30, 2004 16:04
hola. wow i have nothing to do. tha past few days have been fun. me & angie always chill in lumps lol. on thursday we went to get tha rest of my costume & then we went for a walk .. we seen my babyyy & his brother, who knows angie .. so then we just kinda walked around... lmfao ang - my dad is gonna w-hoop my h-ass ... & that white boy lookin' at YOU! haha & then some boy had this cute ass dog & i was sittin' down puttin' my boot back on & tha dog came up to me.. the kid was like "COME ON BITCH!!" i was like wow. david called & tried to spit some game to porkchop. he can't sing. but anyways... we seen kerry toooooo.
then yesterday i did nothing until like 8. i went to angie's. lmao people in grice need to stop makin' them yearbooks like that. those retarded people dancin' hahahahahahah! yesterday was our mischeif night. that was mad fun. we filled up a condom with toothpaste & put it on someone's porch. & then we were just puttin condoms & toothpaste everywhere. lol. she got paint all over herself. but yea it was funny. i left @ like 10;30 & came back & talked to kris for a little while.. kerry came to my house while i was gone =( .. oh well he lives down tha street. i'll see him eventually.
steve is getting on my nerves. oh welllllll.. i talked to tyrell today =) he's retarded. but that's my boy. shit doesn't change with us after we ain't talked for a while. that's why i like talkin' to em.
now i'm waiting for it to be time for church. steve is "coming over" tonite. yeah we'll see tonite if he comes ... bahh. i need to talk to somebody else. he gets on my nerves alot. i should talk to that boy that looked like he was gonna rape me at tha mall. lmao. that was funnnny.
okay i'm hungry so i'll write more later.