
May 18, 2006 18:52

"what good is an army if it trains one day a week and waits to be attacked? we cant just be idle Christians whose biggest sacrifice is extra hours of sleep on sunday. We cant be Christians who dont have Christ as their focus. A good army is one that trains all the time and their entire life is the military. they go and become the movers and shakers. they go and attack first and then do the rest after. thats what we have to be. we have to attack evil and save those who dont know that they are the ones God loves. we have to be Christians that give it all to love God back because we are those who Christ loves. Thats our identity and we have to have that mindset."

I was reading this in my Ecuador Journal, and to me it was profound...again. Not to ring my own bell or anything, but when I wrote this, it really got to me. That Journal was one of the best things that has happened to me. I dont even write about what has happened to me that day necessarily. Its just a place to put my thoughts on God, the trip, my life, my relationships whatever. Its really helped me a lot.

Now to the title of the post, resolution. I harbor some resentment for a person at school, and it really made everything they did seem annoying to me, and I couldn't get past it. Everything they did bugged me and i tried to stay far away. I didn't say anything about my frustration to them because it wouldn't do any good. But after Mikes sermon on wednesday, i realized how stupid I was, and I apologized to the person, and I got their perspective and it really cleared my (as corny as this sounds) soul. It felt so good to get rid of that burden and I really loved having a conversation with them. Its like restoring a friendship, and discovering gold. I think I might have one more restoration though.
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