Souris Aveugles: argh :-( I'm getting sick of waiting for the decal results.
DasBerndJuergenB: omg
DasBerndJuergenB: trotsky wrote a book!
Souris Aveugles: oh right, and did you get forum access yet?
Souris Aveugles: seriously?
DasBerndJuergenB: and i didnt know / read it yet
DasBerndJuergenB: SHAME!
Souris Aveugles: wow.
DasBerndJuergenB: looks amazing
DasBerndJuergenB: bam thats going right on the top of the christmas list
Souris Aveugles: hah, nice.
Souris Aveugles: but anyway, did you get staff forum access back?
DasBerndJuergenB: no
DasBerndJuergenB: lol
DasBerndJuergenB: i love politics
DasBerndJuergenB: and id make a great politician
DasBerndJuergenB: but there is no room for my politics in washington
DasBerndJuergenB: though the revolution is coming
Souris Aveugles: one that's in favor of what system?
DasBerndJuergenB: socialism
DasBerndJuergenB: hopefully
Souris Aveugles: mm.
DasBerndJuergenB: the working class is being pushed to the breaking point
DasBerndJuergenB: i forsee potentially revolution within 2 decades
Souris Aveugles: pfft.
Souris Aveugles: is being?
DasBerndJuergenB: with me leading it
Souris Aveugles: has already been.
Souris Aveugles: I wouldn't put yourself in the position that you're going to be the savior of this country. But I suppose it's plausible you'll be part of it.
Souris Aveugles: as in a major part.
DasBerndJuergenB: im going to start it
DasBerndJuergenB: for as a nihilist
DasBerndJuergenB: i have no fear of my own death
DasBerndJuergenB: so i have nothing to loose
DasBerndJuergenB: and i believe in lenin's revolution idea
DasBerndJuergenB: that small groups of trained professionals can over through teh government
DasBerndJuergenB: better then mass revolutions
Souris Aveugles: that's true.
Souris Aveugles: but are we talking a bloody coup or what?
DasBerndJuergenB: of course
DasBerndJuergenB: we would never be able to get the right out of washington through politics
Souris Aveugles: you're probably the only person I've ever talked to who has no reserves against assassinating bush.
Souris Aveugles: 8-)
DasBerndJuergenB: he has to go
Souris Aveugles: early too.
DasBerndJuergenB: as does all the right in washington
Souris Aveugles: We can't take 2 more years of bush.
DasBerndJuergenB: even worse
DasBerndJuergenB: if gulliani become president after
DasBerndJuergenB: we'd be dead
Souris Aveugles: :-\
DasBerndJuergenB: excuse my poor typing
DasBerndJuergenB: little sleep
DasBerndJuergenB: long day at work
DasBerndJuergenB: i think i could do it
DasBerndJuergenB: im an amazing speaker
DasBerndJuergenB: charasmatic
DasBerndJuergenB: i could get people to follow me
DasBerndJuergenB: also this whole majority rule thing
DasBerndJuergenB: needs to go
Souris Aveugles: majority or electoral.
Souris Aveugles: ?
DasBerndJuergenB: majority
DasBerndJuergenB: people are too stupid to rule themselves
DasBerndJuergenB: i mean 50 million plus voted bush
DasBerndJuergenB: if that isnt proof right there
DasBerndJuergenB: i dont know what is
DasBerndJuergenB: no one is educated on the issues
DasBerndJuergenB: no one knows whats best
DasBerndJuergenB: and the masses are easily swayed
DasBerndJuergenB: senate and house must also be disbanded
DasBerndJuergenB: rule by oligarchy
DasBerndJuergenB: a council of intellectual elite
Souris Aveugles: Eh.
Souris Aveugles: an oligarchy can get a bit big-headed, you know.
Souris Aveugles: you'd need something more pure of heart than a nun.
DasBerndJuergenB: oligarchy is the only way
DasBerndJuergenB: these laws based on morals
DasBerndJuergenB: are what you get when you let people rule
DasBerndJuergenB: a consti fucking tutional amendment against gay marriage
DasBerndJuergenB: and state laws against it
DasBerndJuergenB: anti abortion laws
DasBerndJuergenB: no government funding for stem cell reserch
Souris Aveugles: mm.
DasBerndJuergenB: i wrote my SAT essay on how majority rule is stupid
Souris Aveugles: ah.
Souris Aveugles: but an oligarchy of how many?
Souris Aveugles: I mean, how many people would you propose should be in that.
DasBerndJuergenB: 11
DasBerndJuergenB: all business should also be government regulated
Souris Aveugles: 11's not nearly enough.
Souris Aveugles: and I don't particularly agree with the business thing.
Souris Aveugles: If the government becomes corrupt, it all slides into nothingness.
DasBerndJuergenB: its the only way to ensure innovation
DasBerndJuergenB: and progression towards the greater good
DasBerndJuergenB: if all business was government regulated
DasBerndJuergenB: we'd all be driving cars running on alternate fuel sources right now
Souris Aveugles: right, but what I'm talking about is corruption.
DasBerndJuergenB: because the government could force it into being so
DasBerndJuergenB: instead of the oil companies owning politicians
Souris Aveugles: If the government demands $10 from every business per month for each person in the oligarchy, that's a dizzying amount of money.
Souris Aveugles: just one corrupt person could ruin the whole system.
Souris Aveugles: You need to have a lot of trust in who you put into that position.
DasBerndJuergenB: no the government wouldnt demand money
DasBerndJuergenB: the government would get it all
DasBerndJuergenB: since the business is essentially owned by the government
DasBerndJuergenB: there'd be no need for taxes
DasBerndJuergenB: think about it
Souris Aveugles: right.
Souris Aveugles: but then you stifle field growth.
DasBerndJuergenB: and you get paid in luxary cash
DasBerndJuergenB: no
DasBerndJuergenB: because there would be money also put into R&D
Souris Aveugles: Not in that sense.
DasBerndJuergenB: to develop better products
Souris Aveugles: as in employees.
Souris Aveugles: People would become lazy. They need motivation.
DasBerndJuergenB: in fact i think itd have the opposite effect
Souris Aveugles: If the man who's designing a car is getting the same money as the man who builds it, what happens?
DasBerndJuergenB: i never stated that
Souris Aveugles: Ah, I thought that's what you were implying.
DasBerndJuergenB: i also think our education system is flawed
Souris Aveugles: Seeing as if all money goes to the government you don't make anything.
Souris Aveugles: well duh.
DasBerndJuergenB: the company doesnt make anything
DasBerndJuergenB: the government essentially is the CEO of the company
DasBerndJuergenB: and salaries the employees based on skill level
DasBerndJuergenB: though all employees
DasBerndJuergenB: no matter what posistion
DasBerndJuergenB: will be issued living wages
Souris Aveugles: ah, now that makes sense.
Souris Aveugles: so essentially minimum wage with raises if you're good at what you do.
DasBerndJuergenB: so that no matter what job you do
Souris Aveugles: giving people incentive to do what they're best at.
DasBerndJuergenB: if you work full time
DasBerndJuergenB: 40 hours a week
DasBerndJuergenB: you can survive
DasBerndJuergenB: there is also a rewards incentive program
DasBerndJuergenB: in cash
DasBerndJuergenB: which would be more of a luxary
DasBerndJuergenB: since everything is supplied by the government
DasBerndJuergenB: housing
DasBerndJuergenB: food
DasBerndJuergenB: clothing
Souris Aveugles: It'd be interesting to do a test for this.
DasBerndJuergenB: basically you get rationed a minimum amount of these things
DasBerndJuergenB: but then using hte money you make from your job
DasBerndJuergenB: you can add to the rationing and add in amounts and quanityt
Souris Aveugles: But then there's no need for any money whatsoever.
DasBerndJuergenB: like say everyone gets an outfit
DasBerndJuergenB: you can use the money you earned from being a doctor say
DasBerndJuergenB: to make that a silk outfit
Souris Aveugles: right right, that makes sense.
DasBerndJuergenB: instead of a cotton one that you get for a typical ration
Souris Aveugles: However, I for one like to have my own sort of clothing.
DasBerndJuergenB: i wrote almost a whole book on this
DasBerndJuergenB: i have to find it someday
DasBerndJuergenB: there still will be a variety in clothing
Souris Aveugles: oh, okay.
DasBerndJuergenB: but the amount of each catagory will be based on teh sales
Souris Aveugles: right.
DasBerndJuergenB: but there will be no XXXL wigger clothes
DasBerndJuergenB: because that is a waste of fabric
Souris Aveugles: :D
Souris Aveugles: form follows function.
Souris Aveugles: and if the function is no good the form is useless.
DasBerndJuergenB: precisely
DasBerndJuergenB: you see this is why im a genius
DasBerndJuergenB: or a nerd
DasBerndJuergenB: lol
Souris Aveugles: it sounds like you drew a bunch of inspiration from the giver.
DasBerndJuergenB: see how thought out my plan is
DasBerndJuergenB: never read it actually
Souris Aveugles: except not quite.
DasBerndJuergenB: is it good?
Souris Aveugles: Pretty good.
Souris Aveugles: But it's more dystopian than what you're describing.
Souris Aveugles: so maybe I'm just a bit jaded by that book.
DasBerndJuergenB: well most of my inspiratoin is coming marxism and lenninism
DasBerndJuergenB: just tweaked
DasBerndJuergenB: to a modern setting
Souris Aveugles: And while I'm not going to fall to your feet and kiss the ground you walk on, I will say it's a good plan.
DasBerndJuergenB: you should read Das Kapital
DasBerndJuergenB: its fucking brilliant
DasBerndJuergenB: marx's economic booke essentially
DasBerndJuergenB: *book
DasBerndJuergenB: will you join the revolution when the time comes?
Souris Aveugles: depends :D
DasBerndJuergenB: well join or be put against the wall
Souris Aveugles: With this system you're putting too much power in the hands of too few.
DasBerndJuergenB: your choice
DasBerndJuergenB: :-P
DasBerndJuergenB: yes
Souris Aveugles: It can either be a utopia or something like 1984 or Animal Farm.
DasBerndJuergenB: mmm orwell
DasBerndJuergenB: i love orwell
Souris Aveugles: those 11 could wind up deciding they get the most luxurious of all things.
Souris Aveugles: And could enslave all the people in a heartbeat.
Souris Aveugles: It actually seems as if this could all be put into the hands of a computer.
DasBerndJuergenB: indeed
Souris Aveugles: Or at least a massive database.
Souris Aveugles: And that would be the best plan.
DasBerndJuergenB: my computers are products of men and can be corrupted as well
DasBerndJuergenB: *but
Souris Aveugles: not the database aspect, at least.
Souris Aveugles: Think of it this way.
DasBerndJuergenB: well look at it this way
Souris Aveugles: hah :-P
DasBerndJuergenB: a doctor who is a poor doctor
DasBerndJuergenB: wont get rewarded with extra money
DasBerndJuergenB: for he is a bad doctor doesnt show up to work etc etc
DasBerndJuergenB: but a janitor
DasBerndJuergenB: who shows up every day
DasBerndJuergenB: and gives it his all
DasBerndJuergenB: will be rewarded for his efficiency
DasBerndJuergenB: and can be living better then the doctor
DasBerndJuergenB: its all based on contributions and efficiency
Souris Aveugles: that's true now, you know.
Souris Aveugles: But then it could motivate people just to take the easy jobs and do well.
DasBerndJuergenB: not class and education
DasBerndJuergenB: no but the education system would rule that out
DasBerndJuergenB: which we havnt touched base on yet
Souris Aveugles: are you suggesting forced careers?
DasBerndJuergenB: indeed
DasBerndJuergenB: not forced
DasBerndJuergenB: but more
DasBerndJuergenB: guided
DasBerndJuergenB: i mean if you really want to be a doctor
DasBerndJuergenB: but suck at science
DasBerndJuergenB: and clearly are too stupid to become a doctor or at least a good one
DasBerndJuergenB: you will be denied access to that career
DasBerndJuergenB: for having a shitty doctor is inefficient
Souris Aveugles: That's partly how the french and japanese systems work.
Souris Aveugles: I forget the names of the tests, but there's a universal test which determines if you will go to college at all,
DasBerndJuergenB: that will be there
Souris Aveugles: If you fail it your careers are shitty ones like a maintenance man and such.
DasBerndJuergenB: but it wont be based ona single test
DasBerndJuergenB: it will be based on tests and observations performed all the way up until your 10th year
DasBerndJuergenB: in school
Souris Aveugles: I can see the potential for good here, but also for bad.
DasBerndJuergenB: then your path will be decided upon
Souris Aveugles: This is a lot like The Giver.
DasBerndJuergenB: if your not destined for college
Souris Aveugles: and what happens in that is everyone is given a career after a certain age.
DasBerndJuergenB: you will begin trade programs (electrician, plumber, carpenter) etc
DasBerndJuergenB: if you are you will be given a sphere of learning (sciences, mathematics, writing, etc)
DasBerndJuergenB: and study that for the last 3 years of highschool
DasBerndJuergenB: after highschool the trade workers will be put into the work force through apprenticeship programs
DasBerndJuergenB: and the kids int he spheres will move on to universities where with each year they refine their sphere based on choice and expertise
DasBerndJuergenB: end of college those in business, lower mathematics, elementary teachers, etc will be put into the work force those who pass more tests will move on for their masters and doctorate programs
DasBerndJuergenB: and move into the more refined jobs such as doctors, university professors etc
DasBerndJuergenB: my plans arent perfect
DasBerndJuergenB: nor are they complete
DasBerndJuergenB: im only 17 for christs sake
DasBerndJuergenB: lol
Souris Aveugles: hah.
DasBerndJuergenB: but if these are the plans at 17 imagine them at 30
Souris Aveugles: Here's what I think would be a good idea.
Souris Aveugles: Much the say you described, but a bit tweaked I guess.
DasBerndJuergenB: but of course these plans even once its time to inflict htem will be under revision by the council
Souris Aveugles: I mean, your career shouldn't be etched in stone depending on your school performance.
DasBerndJuergenB: why should we let stupid people progress into universities
DasBerndJuergenB: its inefficient
DasBerndJuergenB: and costly
DasBerndJuergenB: to only have them fail
Souris Aveugles: If you are good at math, and you are good at literature, but you're just a tad better at math...
Souris Aveugles: Not that.
DasBerndJuergenB: considering universities will be all p[aid for by the government at no cost to the studnets
DasBerndJuergenB: oh now
DasBerndJuergenB: if its like that it will be choice
Souris Aveugles: ...then if you're thrown into the math group when you're still great at writing and wanted to be a journalist or something, it'll lead to general dissatisfaction.
DasBerndJuergenB: i told you it s not forced
Souris Aveugles: ah, okay.
DasBerndJuergenB: but i mean if your great at math
DasBerndJuergenB: and shitty at english
Souris Aveugles: so if you're an all-around genius then you can do whatever.
DasBerndJuergenB: then no your not allowed to go to major in english
Souris Aveugles: that makes sense I suppose.
DasBerndJuergenB: but you will be allowed to take some classes in it
DasBerndJuergenB: to maintain general interest in education
DasBerndJuergenB: but they will be seperate lower level classes then thsoe majoring in that field
Souris Aveugles: But then what about careers? If your college life is math-oriented, but you're not terrible at writing (just not all that great), then why should you only be able to do math-related things?
DasBerndJuergenB: no youd
DasBerndJuergenB: in an optimal situation
DasBerndJuergenB: be put into a career involving both
DasBerndJuergenB: like statistic journalist
DasBerndJuergenB: or something
Souris Aveugles: ah.
DasBerndJuergenB: or mathematician writer
DasBerndJuergenB: something combining your strengths
Souris Aveugles: I still don't like the idea of being pegged into something like that though.
Souris Aveugles: aka "You've been given the assignment of __________"
DasBerndJuergenB: no itd be more personal then that
DasBerndJuergenB: through out your school career
DasBerndJuergenB: youd be aided by counslors
DasBerndJuergenB: who will talk toy ou about your interests
DasBerndJuergenB: and balance htem with your strengths
DasBerndJuergenB: say at a young age you want to be a scientist
DasBerndJuergenB: but such at math and science and are doing better in english
DasBerndJuergenB: the counsler would put you in classes to try to better your math and science skills
DasBerndJuergenB: and if they fail to increase beyond education phase 1
DasBerndJuergenB: then you will have to go into a career in our strengths at that point
DasBerndJuergenB: freewill is a luxary that causes inefficiency
DasBerndJuergenB: i mean think of some dumb kid you know
DasBerndJuergenB: really stupid
DasBerndJuergenB: now think he wants to be a surgeon
DasBerndJuergenB: technically he could do that
DasBerndJuergenB: with the right money and some effort
DasBerndJuergenB: he is still stupid though
DasBerndJuergenB: there for will be a shitty doctor
DasBerndJuergenB: do you want him operating on you
DasBerndJuergenB: ?
DasBerndJuergenB: and him int eh work force makes competition over prices and runs out potential good doctors and makes a chain of innefficiency
DasBerndJuergenB: it sounds harsh
DasBerndJuergenB: but its for the common good
Souris Aveugles: but if happiness is being traded for the common good, it can lead to unhappiness.
Souris Aveugles: and unhappiness leads to general dissatisfaction.
Souris Aveugles: which, in turn can lead to revolution.
DasBerndJuergenB: yes which only will be a threat at first
DasBerndJuergenB: when you still have those alive that remember pre revolution times
DasBerndJuergenB: after two generations
DasBerndJuergenB: the system will be common place
DasBerndJuergenB: and no one would question it
DasBerndJuergenB: and it also encourages you to try and to excell from a young age
Souris Aveugles: but would they be happy is the question.
DasBerndJuergenB: they wouldnt know differently
DasBerndJuergenB: right now
DasBerndJuergenB: if someone took your computer and video games awya wuold you be unhappy?
DasBerndJuergenB: yes you would
DasBerndJuergenB: someone just like you 200 years ago without video games and a computer was happy
DasBerndJuergenB: because they know no difference
DasBerndJuergenB: they will never have known the option to fail
DasBerndJuergenB: there fore
DasBerndJuergenB: it will not be missed
Souris Aveugles: right, but let's put this in a modern perspective.
Souris Aveugles: Let's say there's an african boy who knows nothing of computers.
Souris Aveugles: and I tell him about them, and the internet, and the things they can do.
Souris Aveugles: and he's fascinated and wants one but cannot have one.
Souris Aveugles: He'll become unhappy.
Souris Aveugles: In much the same way, if people learned about another political system which they liked much more, and spread the word about it...
DasBerndJuergenB: well it would eventually be a worldwide revolution of cours
DasBerndJuergenB: lol
DasBerndJuergenB: so thsi is the system everywhere
DasBerndJuergenB: but
Souris Aveugles: but that could take generations in itself.
DasBerndJuergenB: from birth they will be programmed that efficiency and the common good are number 1
DasBerndJuergenB: not self pleasure and choice
DasBerndJuergenB: we have to program teh selfishness out of them
DasBerndJuergenB: the hatred and looking out for themselves that is at the heart the ills of our society
Souris Aveugles: well think about what we have now.
DasBerndJuergenB: also the efficieny
DasBerndJuergenB: will allow for lowered work weeks
DasBerndJuergenB: less stress
Souris Aveugles: right.
DasBerndJuergenB: especially witht eh government garunteeing lifes most basic needs
DasBerndJuergenB: as long as you do your job
Souris Aveugles: only as children right now do we really have the chance for self pleasure and choice of what we want to do.
DasBerndJuergenB: why do people steal
DasBerndJuergenB: or rob one another
DasBerndJuergenB: the need for money
DasBerndJuergenB: for food and basic needs
DasBerndJuergenB: taht will be taken out of the equation
DasBerndJuergenB: crime rates would drop
Souris Aveugles: I suppose I'm just thinking in terms of childhood though. I mean, how dramatically would that change?
DasBerndJuergenB: i dont think too too much
DasBerndJuergenB: school will still be school
DasBerndJuergenB: but more enjoyable as you get to take what your good at there for failing rarely exists
Souris Aveugles: It doesn't seem like adulthood would dramatically change.
DasBerndJuergenB: adn you get to study what youd enjoy
DasBerndJuergenB: toys and entertainment iwll still exist
DasBerndJuergenB: religion will be abolished
DasBerndJuergenB: slowly
DasBerndJuergenB: as not to cause uprisings at the start
DasBerndJuergenB: there will be holidays though
DasBerndJuergenB: christmas will be replaced with winter festival
DasBerndJuergenB: a nondenominational holday of enjoying family and friends and giving tokens of friendship
Souris Aveugles: right.
DasBerndJuergenB: youre thinking in too much of terms of today
DasBerndJuergenB: we are programed as selfish creatures who seek enjoyment
DasBerndJuergenB: start thinking in those urges being gone
DasBerndJuergenB: and everyone thinking of the good of the whole
DasBerndJuergenB: and most of your problems disappear
DasBerndJuergenB: for these changes will not be implemented immediately after the overthrow
DasBerndJuergenB: it will take hold slowly over many many years
DasBerndJuergenB: at first it would seem as little as changed except small things that benefit the people
DasBerndJuergenB: lower taxes
DasBerndJuergenB: living wages
DasBerndJuergenB: etc
Souris Aveugles: Well it's not really about self-enjoyment. It's more about...I'm trying to think of what it is.
Souris Aveugles: I guess incentive.
DasBerndJuergenB: then slowly bigger changes take place and its not a shock because its just slow evolution of prior small changes
Souris Aveugles: But if one's working to help all others, that in itself is the incentive.
Souris Aveugles: right?
DasBerndJuergenB: which were good to the people so these will be accepted as well
DasBerndJuergenB: correct
Souris Aveugles: mm.
DasBerndJuergenB: which wont hold as a mentality at first
Souris Aveugles: so really it would need to be a gradual change.
DasBerndJuergenB: which is why this plan is implimented in small doses over decades
Souris Aveugles: First you would need to implement the ideas which would make people happier.
Souris Aveugles: and then after that implement the ones (more gently) which help the common good.
DasBerndJuergenB: and eventually with changes in place
DasBerndJuergenB: people will see its for the common good
Souris Aveugles: I mean, many people want to help the world as a whole; not many people want to have their careers spelled out for them to do so.
DasBerndJuergenB: and the new education system would raise hte children to think in terms of others instead of themselves
Souris Aveugles: what about things like robbery and murder though?
Souris Aveugles: Just from general psychiatric disorders, I mean.
DasBerndJuergenB: you mean the mentally ill?
Souris Aveugles: And what kind of a justice system would be in place?
Souris Aveugles: not just the mentally ill, but the dangerously mentally ill.
DasBerndJuergenB: eye for an eye justice
DasBerndJuergenB: you rob
DasBerndJuergenB: then your rations will be cut
DasBerndJuergenB: you kill
DasBerndJuergenB: you shall be killed
DasBerndJuergenB: you maim
DasBerndJuergenB: and you should be maimed
DasBerndJuergenB: equal and opposite reaction
DasBerndJuergenB: forced karma if you will
Souris Aveugles: I wouldn't call it forced.
Souris Aveugles: I'd say more manufactured.
DasBerndJuergenB: think about it
Souris Aveugles: Doing the things which chance might omit.
DasBerndJuergenB: if you knew beating the shit out of some guy and stealing his money
DasBerndJuergenB: would result in you getting the shit beat out of you
DasBerndJuergenB: the money you stole taken back
DasBerndJuergenB: and your income cut in the same amount that you stole for each pay period over a year
DasBerndJuergenB: would you think twice
Souris Aveugles: well obviously.
Souris Aveugles: But what about the people who don't care about the consequences?
Souris Aveugles: And just to sidetrack for a second, would money still be usable to do things such as buy a big-screen TV if you wanted one?
DasBerndJuergenB: yes as said before everyone would be rationed something
DasBerndJuergenB: like say a 20 inch tv
DasBerndJuergenB: if you get reward money from doing a good job
DasBerndJuergenB: you can add that on top of your ration
DasBerndJuergenB: to get a 40 inch tv
DasBerndJuergenB: etc
Souris Aveugles: ah.
DasBerndJuergenB: like upgrade plans of sorts
Souris Aveugles: and this may seem like a silly question, but it's perfectly sensible.
Souris Aveugles: What about warranties?
DasBerndJuergenB: nintendo quality warranties
DasBerndJuergenB: lol
Souris Aveugles: are those just an infinitely long-lasting thing?
DasBerndJuergenB: oh for that
DasBerndJuergenB: well you would be rationed say a tv
DasBerndJuergenB: and it will be deemed before hand how long that tv when used properly should last
DasBerndJuergenB: say 6 years
Souris Aveugles: oh, that makes sense.
DasBerndJuergenB: then after 6 years
DasBerndJuergenB: you take in your old one
DasBerndJuergenB: and are rationed a new one
Souris Aveugles: but what if there's a power surge and it breaks?
Souris Aveugles: are you just given a new one and given a 6-year period from when that one's issued?
Souris Aveugles: presuming they're the same model.
DasBerndJuergenB: thats covered, damage out of your control or manufacture errors would be giving a new one and a new 6 period issue
Souris Aveugles: and damage because of you would result in...
DasBerndJuergenB: having to wait until the 6 years wouldve been up, or reward money spent to get a new one (perhaps cheaper ones would be availble that are refurbed models of other damaged ones)
Souris Aveugles: ah.
Souris Aveugles: okay, I'm gonna start my homework now.
DasBerndJuergenB: lol
DasBerndJuergenB: one last thing
DasBerndJuergenB: as for your repeat offender question
DasBerndJuergenB: there will be a three strike system
DasBerndJuergenB: if you are indited on teh same crime
DasBerndJuergenB: on the third time
DasBerndJuergenB: your put in a detention center
DasBerndJuergenB: *you're
Souris Aveugles: even 3 misdemeanors?
DasBerndJuergenB: yes
Souris Aveugles: and this isn't for the same amount of time, is it?
DasBerndJuergenB: the sentence however
DasBerndJuergenB: would be for varying amounts of time
Souris Aveugles: right.
DasBerndJuergenB: but i mean most will be misdemeanors
DasBerndJuergenB: think about the eye for an eye program
DasBerndJuergenB: fi you kill your dead
DasBerndJuergenB: so you cant repeat offend
DasBerndJuergenB: and yes there will be trials
Souris Aveugles: right, but if you run a red light you can't...have a red light run.
Souris Aveugles: :-P
DasBerndJuergenB: killing in self defense
DasBerndJuergenB: would be justifiable
DasBerndJuergenB: red lights and such
DasBerndJuergenB: minor problems
DasBerndJuergenB: would just be ration cuts
DasBerndJuergenB: of varying amounts
Souris Aveugles: I take it minor ones, right?
DasBerndJuergenB: yeah
Souris Aveugles: not "run a red light, lose everything you've ever had"
Souris Aveugles: ah.
DasBerndJuergenB: no
DasBerndJuergenB: like you woudnt get as much luxary spending money for a week
DasBerndJuergenB: or something
Souris Aveugles: right.
Souris Aveugles: well yeah, I really have to do this work now :-)
DasBerndJuergenB: depending on the serverity and repeat offending
DasBerndJuergenB: lol
DasBerndJuergenB: ok
DasBerndJuergenB: i need to go eat and sleep
Souris Aveugles: hah.
Souris Aveugles: I'm tired and I've been awake about 7 hours.
DasBerndJuergenB: lol nice
DasBerndJuergenB: alright well
DasBerndJuergenB: the revolution is coming
DasBerndJuergenB: just be ready
DasBerndJuergenB: lol
if you read all that despite my spelling and gramatical errors (i slept 5 hours and had a long day at work) and its lenght then zues bless you