In response to you...

Apr 25, 2007 16:02

To respond to a statement that you recently made...

Whats written in here
Well not be said out there,
This is between you and me
cant you see.

To the statement that you made, you said that you where afraid, life if nothing but fear and tragidy. We live in this world not knowing what is going on thinking that there is something out there that is bigger than you, better then everything that you could have ever dreamed, but what is it?

Alot has changed since the good old days the days where we didnt have the responsabilities that we have today. We are now seeing the world through the eyes of ourselves rather than that of what we were suppose to see to try and shelter us. To me it is the experience, the experience of life. How can you know the good unless faced with the bad? Everyone goes through hard times you have i have we have. but then right at the end when we say to ourselves i give up we find that one thing that is worth fighting for. You found that thing, I however have not yet found it. I have him and i fight for him every day of our lives, But he wants me to be happy and what makes me happy in this moment is experienceing what there is to experience. I have never nor will i ever go looking for the experience if it comes then it comes if it doesnt ten it wasnt worth my time anyway. You try and you fail and you try and you fail but the only true failure is when you refuse to stop trying. Believe me girl i wont stop trying to experience, But know that no experience will EVER and i mean EVER leave me there to die. You have my word on that. Please exept me and please know that its still me, and you can still come to me, and i hope that i can still come to you aswell.

I Love you With all my heart. Rememer TCTBt The three hands that care.
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