May 08, 2006 18:42

Player Information
Name / LJ Username: Raina / expedishous
HiH House: Slytherin
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address): AIM: the rainenator, MSN:, email:

Character Information
Name / LJ Username (if available): Trent Ashbourne / Have not made a journal, yet.
House: (does not have to be the same as your own!) Gryffindor
Age / Birthdate: 16 / April 25th
Year: (if student) 6th
Subject: (if professor)
Location: (if Auror -- in castle or Hogsmeade?)

Bloodline / Heritage: (Half, Pure, Muggle / Scottish, Irish, etc) Pure / English
Personal History: The Ashbourne family was once wealthy and prestigious. They were among the top in their class, turning out spectacular, successful child after successful child. And then along came Martin Ashbourne, who immediately took the family wealth and squandered it on all of the luxuries any Pureblood boy could hope to have. Of course, this did not sit well with the greater Ashbourne family. And so this small branch of the family was shunned and now Martin is working to once again reinstate this branch of the Ashbourne family into the greater Pureblood circles. His first attempt began with his eldest daughter, Violette, who was killed along with her mother, Amelia, in a "freak accident" at some Pureblood event, which was actually a planned murder. A warning, if you will, to Martin and his family that they would never, ever be who they once were.

Now, the last hope for the Ashbourne family lies with twin sons Trent and Michael. Michael quickly became the favoured child. He was everything Martin could have hoped for in a son: ambitious, goal-oriented, and at the same time obedient, polite, and Martin was sure that he would be just the sort of guy who any wealthy Pureblooded girl would want to take home to Mother. Trent, on the other hand, proved himself to be somewhat of a disappointment and an embarassment to the Ashbourne family as a whole. During those ever-important lessons on diplomatic relations, Trent would escape the room and run wild around the house, preferring an adventure of his own making to boring old lessons. Martin soon gave up all hope on Trent and focused all of his attentions on Michael, which only made Trent act out even more. When the time came for the boys to be sent off to school, Michael was sent to Durmstrang's and Trent was sent to Hogwarts in a very cruel act of sibling seperation. At this seperation, Trent became even more rebellious and unruly, and then Martin realized that he could no longer ignore the family embarassment. However, he has yet to do anything about it.

Despite Michael's and Trent's differing personalities and differing levels of parental favour, the two have remained close in their seperate schools. In fact, Trent would consider Michael to be one of his best friends and vice versa, since Michael doesn't get along to well with all of the evil, stoic students at Durmstrang's.

Personality: At first glance, Trent is dumb, annoying, and rebellious. However, Trent isn't sure if this is the person that he really is. He has just become so used to playing the dumb one, the crazy one, that now he exaggerates that personality tenfold. In truth, Trent tries to do all of his schoolwork, even if he's skipped out on class for a ridiculously long amount of time. He's an excellent friend, and will not hesitate to stick up for one of someone else is picking on them (which usually resorts to physical violence) and even, if he thinks no one else is around to ruin his rep, he'll stick up for the younger kids if an older student is picking on them.

It's pretty unfortunate that not many people get to see this side of Trent, since he is usually too busy playing up being the dumb one to actually act like his real self. He doesn't stick to the typical Pureblood prejudices as an act of rebellion, though he still thinks that he is better than them and that, by talking with halfbloods and muggleborns in a sort-of nice way, he is doing them a huge favour. Since he often feels the need to exaggerate the more negative sides of his personality, he'll take it upon himself to skip as many classes as possible, to bully as many people as possible, and to generally be just as loud, annoying, obnoxious, and stupid as he possibly can. He also never, ever thinks before he speaks, which only adds to the obnoxiousness of it all.

On top of all this, Trent is very passionate about many things, but the public would only know him to be extremely passionate about these two: how much he loves Quidditch, and how much he loves the ladies. He's not very charming or smooth, however, and he has a tendency to be a pit of a romantic. Of course, no one knows about this side of Trent because he always assumes that he'll be dead before he would tell anyone that yeah, maybe he'd like to take a girl out for a candlelit dinner and boatride and not expect anything afterwards. As you can probably guess, he doesn't have much luck with the girls (though he really, really tries...)

Physical Description: (include hair color, eye color, height and build at the very least) Trent is blond, about 5'10", brown-eyed, and with an athletic build from his Quidditch hobby.
Preferred Body Model: Ryan Hansen

Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.

Trent has always been partial to the first morning on the first day of actual learning, and he still was as he stepped into the doorway of the Gryffindor dorms and took a breath of the air, and then immediately flopped down onto his bed and pulled the curtains around it open and shut, open and shut at least six times. That, or just enough to annoy his roommates. Next, he kicked off his shoes and ran over to the window. He took a quick glance around to make sure that no one else was in the room, and then quickly swung open the latch and pushed the window open (you see, if there were anyone else in the room, Trent would have had to pretend that he'd forgotten how to open the window--because that's what he always told his dormmates), and yelled "GRYFFINDOR ROCKS!" at some of the people he could see walking the grounds. They looked up at him and shook their heads, yelling something that he couldn't quite make out. Heh. This year was going to be awesome.

Hobbies and talents - max of five:
- Quidditch: excellent flier!
- Pranking/adventuring
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses:
- Has a tendency to get just a little bit carried away when it comes to partying/pranking/bullying
- Terrible dancer. For someone who loves dancing, this is a very, very bad thing.
- Despite his love of sports, Trent has horrible hand-eye coordination, which leads to embarassment, which leads to fumbling, which leads to more public humilation, which leads to bullying...
- Because of always acting out and not caring too much about school, Trent has absolutely no idea what he wants to do with his life. At all.
Best subjects - max of three: History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration
Worst subjects - no max: Charms, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination
Broom (if applicable): Nimbus 2001's and Firebolts by permission only Shooting Star
Wand: 11", maple, phoenix feather core

If the character is a student, he/she must have a class timetable. You need not list the days and times for these classes, but we do need to know which classes your character takes. More information on this is located in the userinfo above the application.

List of classes for current year:
History of Magic
Ancient Runes
