KrakenTango: what's, uh... 60 divided by 4, divided by 8?
MagosMallow: 1.875
MagosMallow: as seen by (60/4)/8
KrakenTango: hmm, okay
KrakenTango: danke
KrakenTango: I was just calculating feed speeds for this thingy I made
MagosMallow: oh?
KrakenTango: yeah
KrakenTango: it's in
Phun, which is this sandbox app that's 50% physics engine and 50% MS Paint
KrakenTango: Making a machine with pistons that pokes blue balls around
MagosMallow: cool
KrakenTango: the good ol' bucket full of blue balls didn't work, kept jamming
KrakenTango: everything did, even after I made the balls frictionless
KrakenTango: so I made a
very slow-moving insertion wheel with a closed single feedKrakenTango: it is retardedly complex for a ball-pushing mechanism
KrakenTango: in fact it is a
loading mechanism with a ball pusher attachedMagosMallow: lol, awesome
MagosMallow: you know
MagosMallow: that is classic engineering
MagosMallow: the solution has surpassed the problem in complexity
KrakenTango: XD
KrakenTango: it's true
KrakenTango: whereas the first iteration was a bucket that always jammed leading to two simple pushy pistons, it's now an unnecessarily long tube full of frictionless balls that have a
motorized paddle wheel slowly feeding them into the machineKrakenTango: they can fall into the two simple pushy pistons.
MagosMallow: *hands you your yellow helmet and rubber glove* yer now an engineer pal
KrakenTango: X3
KrakenTango: Spy's sappin' mah ball machine!
MagosMallow: D:
MagosMallow: lol, at first, I thought "feed rate??" then "kraken" and "belt fed revolver" came to mind
KrakenTango: XP
KrakenTango: this is not bioshock