Oct 22, 2004 18:33
Thursday was my Philosophy mid-term. I think I did well on it, although it was a race to finish it by the end :p
Sunday I have an Itec test (midterm? perhaps) and I haven't studied for it. I'm not sure if I will need to but I will anyways (at least on Saturday).
Tuesday I have my Math test that's worth 50%. I'm not comfortable with my math skills so this is my greatest concern. I just hope that I can get this thing to work out.
I really need to work more on my productivity rating (self-distributed one, abstract rating). Dawn of War has the ability to consume me and the computer does that anyways. Need to lay off the computer since I don't need it to study. But I felt I should do something with this journal at the very least to prove I'm productive in some way with the computer.