Jan 24, 2013 18:00
In Falconer's Lure, we know pretty well what Captain Marlow said to Peter and Nicola after the cliff exploit. But what about the night in the haystack?
Firstly, they were worried about Nicola because she was late for supper, and rang the Merricks to find out they knew nothing either.
Secondly, they received a phone message from the Merricks (Nicola didn't ring home) to tell them she was spending the night in a strange vicarage with someone they'd never heard of.
Thirdly, they barely knew Patrick - he'd never visited Trennels at that point. But he was 14+ to Nicola's barely 13.
Fourthly, they later found out that the pair had spent the night sleeping side by side in a haystack.
It's unimaginable now to think that a 12/13 year old now could even think about having that sort of licence. But even in 1946 or so, did the Marlow parents not kick off about it? Obviously Patrick remained a friend of the family, so presumably not. But I'd like to know what was said.