Shortly before the termination of a term of appointment of the head of region Putin began to praise Mordovia. I constantly living in Mordovia had a question - And why?
Whether not therefore that during election campaign at elections of deputies of 2007 in Mordovia election committees has been made and the second, not considered circulation of ballots was used. Then Putin to Mordovias, heading list of "United Russia", has received on some polling districts of 100 % of votes. Simultaneously the list of regional compartment "United Russia" was headed by Merkushkin.
Probably in it the reason of so active support for Putin Merkushkins also is covered. Here it the Mordovian mode to be in the authorities - the second and anywhere not considered circulation of ballots. Certainly the authorities of the infringements also hasn't noticed. While has put at elections of deputies of 2007 is in the European Court of Human Rights.
What will be a choice of the President on nominees on a post of the Head of Mordovia it will be known in the near future. However, the establishment of an irremovability of the authorities will inevitably cause social intensity, will entail still большее falling of authority of the power, will lead to opposition between the authorities and a society.
And as a final analysis - search by a society of adequate methods of change of the power.
Lawyer Elaev Ivan Aleksandrovich, Russia, phone: +79510538999, e-mail: