Jan 31, 2008 00:52
Life is all kinds of crazy yet again. Today is the last day of January. How quickly time has passed. 1/12 of the year is over… strange. I have continue to occupied myself with obligations of all sorts and thoroughly enjoying each task. I do wish I have more time to catch up on reading, catch up on sleep, and have more reflection time to write.
I am happy with my life these days. Things are changing in a positive way and I can feel those changes by the day. More often then not, I find myself feeling inspired; inspired by a quote, a conversation, or even just a moment in time. This is a fulfilling feeling that I have never encountered in St. Louis, but often come across when I spend time abroad. Perhaps it’s the exciting future ahead or perhaps I’ve grown. Who knows.
Gosh, really too tired to write much more. Am still anxiously awaiting for the Peace Corps invitation. Time is quickly approaching. Just four more months, and who knows where I will be. I live for the exhilarating that such unknown and anticipation bring to my life. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Recently, I’ve been engaging in some hot and heavy discussions regarding various issues across the board. My mind has had a much-needed exercise. Sometimes I walk away from these conversations feeling exhausted, sometimes enlightened, and even at times frustrated. But, I will take these kinds of conversation over meaningless prattle any day. I think could comfortably live through life without hearing another drunken bar story.
Anyhow, beauty sleep.
W. Madeleine