Quick Summary

Oct 20, 2003 00:10

Things i learned in NYC this time:

Almost everyone in new york is DESPERATE to talk to the people around him or her. Relax, be cautious, but don't assume u have to disconnect.

Never have dinner at 6.45 at a nice restaurant on 50th St when u have to be further uptown at the Lincoln Center at 8pm.

Knowing the city does not mean understanding the city.

Friends can be more rude than strangers.

Never plan. Just do. There is no plan.

Jersey is even uglier than i thought.

NYC should invest in an elevated platform at Times Square. Instead of insisting that all sidewalk traffic stop in order for Lurleen Dumbass to snap a picture of her dying grandmother standing in front of the Coke neon sign--expecting, indeed, that at least an acre of sidewalk clear itself for the picture--there should be a raised platform for said grandmother to stand and said Lurleen to take the picture, thus allowing sidewalkers the chance to get on with the shit they're doing and not having to stop ever few steps while some Dumbass or another makes a stop-short move to take a picture.

I CAN figure out the subway system.

If someone asks u to hold his driver's license, politely decline (sorry again, Daryl--i don't know what happened to the damned thing).

I learned other stuff too. Mostly, i learned why i don't like Florence--i mean, i re-learned that.

allen, nyc, times square, greg, subway, neilan, alabama, daryl

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