Since Greg got back from California, things have been... different. Stunningly different. Miraculously different. Charmingly different.
I knew I was in trouble when last Saturday--the day G got back--we had a friend over and that friend said to Greg: "Marc missed you while you were gone. It was so cute because he went totally insane."
Which I did. I just hoped no one else noticed.
Anyway, so, things are pretty different. For instance, Greg and I got into a fight the other day. And what the fight was about? Yeah, that's not important. What is important is that, while we were screaming at one another and I realized nothing was gonna be accomplished so I might as well swing for the fences, I yelled, "Just shut up for a second and let me tell you what I'm trying to tell you, and then we can fight more."
Not usually a wise thing to yell, I think. I mean, presumably one is already shouting out what one needs to say to the other person during a fight, so why try to stop everything to get in a cogent point? I mean, by the time everyone is shouting at everyone else, it's pointless to try to get a point across, right?
Not so. Surprisingly, Greg begrudgingly agreed to give me the floor, and I stated my case and... he agreed with me. And just like that, the fight was over, and we understood one another a bit better, and Greg laughed for a while because, he said, my incredulity showed on my face. "I agree with you and you look like you don't know what else to do," he said. "The look on your face... my god... it's hilarious..."
So yeah. There's that. And I have made more of an effort to make Greg happy as well. so there's that too. In fact, we've both been experimenting with this whole "take a breath and try to communicate" thing these past few weeks. And, I'll be damned if it doesn't work like gangbusters.
So his Apple job is insanely great so far. Not only has it caused an improvement in his mood, but it's caused me to be a bit happier as well. It's broken the rut we were getting in, this job, because it's so unexpected. Who knew that Greg would go Mac? Who knew that I'd have to kick him off my MacBook? A year ago, he was bitching about having to use my computer; now I have to pry him off of it. But in a good way.
And today! Wow, it was a really nice day for us, and it ended with a Dropkick Murphys concert at Roseland. Neither of us can hear anything right now--the music was way too loud, and we're far to old to be moshing. And it turns out we're far to young to be sitting in the mezzanine with the geezers. But it's kinda nice that we're back to doing unexpected things, after too long trying to eke out a routine of comfort.
The truth is, I hate comfort.
Oh yeah. Please humor me: go to the blog, if just to give me the click: