Jan 30, 2007 21:08
A few days ago I typed:
I don't like religion. I think it makes people do dumb things, like, oh, I don't know, crash commercial planes into buildings or bomb random countries full of people who have an opposing religious view-point. It makes people feel all good and right about hating others, and prevent the Others from getting married, or insurance benefits, or tax breaks. Religion sucks. But I don't care who anyone chooses to worship, and I'm very happy for those individuals who manage to dupe themselves into thinking that there is something great and wonderful in this world, even when this world is largely fucked up by people who believe that there's a God.
I meant to add, but neglect to add, this:
"Whether there is a Supreme Being or not should be beside the point. Aren't the intricacies of the universe enough? We spend so much time looking for some creator to praise or blame for the actions of the universe--both the big one and the small one in which we daily find ourselves toiling away--that we fail to be awestruck into paralysis (or at least into non-war and non-terrorism) by the creation.
That's what I meant to add. And, having writ, the writing hand moves on with this mussing, which I'm gonna try to get writ before 'House' comes back on:
Shakespeare. Right. There's some debate--taken seriously by some, dismissed by others--over whether there was a writing Shakespeare, or just an acting Shaksper that was used as a front by another person wishing to hide his or her identity. Shakespeare, I think we can all agree, is a secular god of sorts, and we marvel at his creations. But most people feel alienated from that creation, that Shakespearean world, because they've been told since (shit, House is back) they've been told since they were young, impressionable brats HOW to read Shakespeare, how to WATCH Shakespeare, and how to revere his Creation. Most people hate Shakespeare, secretly, but would never admit it. Other people make their lives preaching Shakespeare's gospel and convincing others that they cannot get to Shakespeare except through them and their interpretations. It's quite a bit like religion, to me, this Cult of Shakespeare; back in the day (the Middle days, to be precise), it was in the Church's best interest to keep the masses illiterate. The Church convinced the masses that reading the Bible was a sort of sin, and that they could only get to God thru those white old men appointed 'by God' to tell them God's Word. In other words (I hope, cause I'm a bit distracted), the creation was secondary to the Creator. Which I'm sure would be the last thing Shakespeare wanted, ergo it is the last thing God wanted. Hence literacy.
Again, fuck religion. Go enjoy what's been created. Even if there is a God, a Buddha, a Jesus, a... I don't know, a WHATEVER, the Creation is infinitely more compelling that the Supreme Being that came up with that creation. Seriously--authors are boring, by and large, unless they're tormented, but even then, they're far less interesting than the works that they produce. I'm willing to bet God is about as compelling as George from 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf' on an average day.
Uhm. Ok. That's all I have to say.