A Sea Change

May 03, 2003 13:58

I haven't written in this thing in quite a while, mostly because i've been moving. That's right--the Fortress of Craptitude was taken on the road last week, and while parts of it keep filtering into our new abode on Poplar Street an apartment over from Laura, we're for the most part settled. Well, settled in that nomadic sence of having boxes of crap everywhere, and a few furnishings and clothes in irregular places.

The new place is smaller and older, but it has atmosphere. In some respects its a downgrade from the previous 2 bedroom apt. in Hermitage Hills, in that it isn't as insulated, the building is old old old, and the floors are creaky hardwood and not carpeted, but in other ways this place has it going on all over the old place... What i like best about it is the afore-mentioned atmosphere. It's just DIFFERENT here. I can walk to the library, walk to the book store, walk to the park (in fact i just got back from Arts Alive in the park, where the art was derivative and disappointing, and most of the people seemed more about the funnel cakes than the bad art). We can sit outside in the court yard of the apt and not fear being felled by a stray bullet from a domestic disturbance or a crack deal gone awry. Plus the area's historical--it has that feel of place and roots and weighted time that makes u feel as if you actually ARE where u are, and not just passing thru.

If u know what i mean.

Anyway, so like Tuesday was our big move day. Greg and i. Alone. Two puny gay men hauling heavy things down the flight of stairs at one place and up a flight of stairs to the other. For whatever reasons, we decided to compensate for being weaklings by taking too many yellow jackets--which made me both energetic AND horny, but made Greg mildly hyper and and paranoid. The result was a marathon move in a single day that got most of the stuff over here. The drawback was that for the next two days we could not move or think straight. And i was too tired to watch Buffy that nite, which has had lasting effects on my psyche for some reason.

Nothing really new to say yet. This is the first time i've really been online at all in the past week, so i'm gonna go check out my usual sites--portalofevil.com, theonion.com, captain obvious's webpage, whatever. it feels good to just sit on my ass for a few and do absolutely nothing.


hermitage drive, fortress of craptitude, moving, greg, laura, alabama, move, poplar street, drugs

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