Oct 31, 2004 20:23
not much to write about. we made districts 2 weeks ago by beating nipmuc 2-0. we lost 5-1 to sutton, i assisted the goal, my first point of the season. we tied whitinsville christians 4-4 with a come back tie from 4-1 at the start of the second half. friday also was The Shores of Effulgences' first show at BMR's Battle of the bands. we did not win marching though silence won the 100 dollar gift cetificate to guitar center but that was what i expected. we played alright, could have been better with another practice to two but we will play another show soon and hopefully do better. saturday went to the mall with melissa and we left soon after getting there becasue its boring, but not before she bought a gift certificate for her friends b-day. we went back to my house but first rented school of rock, it was funny then around 10 brought melissa home and then i went home and to bed. got an exta hour of sleep but slpet a bit to late and barely made it to work on time, oh well. work sucked today cuz it went by s l o w. then i came home feel asleep on the couch for a few hours then ate and stuff, but thats all for now bye.