Jun 29, 2006 03:07
well i forgot about LJ.
its been a LONG time since ive written anything.
to catch everyone up.. i live in lafayette now. for good.
my bestfriend--roomate is moving out this weekend i think.. and it makes me cry a lot.
i dont do anythign except for sleep and work really. (which is every weekend and holiday especially)
im pretty tired right now.
ive been playing pool a lot lately. two times this week.
one of my friends is moving in a few days and everyone is going out tomorrow ngiht to celebrate one last time of being all together. and it stinks because ive ust recently became friends with her. and shes onne of the coolest people i know.
i had an Irish car bomb today.. i couldnt finish it. so i had to do it in liek 3 tries. haha.
boys suck. there is a guy here i met and have been hanging out wiht since i moved back in January. hes come to be my bestmalefriend. but sometimes things are confusing.
i wish i could go home more. there are some peopel i want to hang out with bad.
i need to go to bed. i have a busy day planned otmorrow.
my car is at Korries house. i need to wake up and get someone to bring me there so i can get it.