Saturday: Trenched Seattle, Singing and Pigs on a Stick

Jun 09, 2007 11:16

Still a little run-down, I took Leggs for a tour around my Seattle. Starting, of course, with the aquarium. We arrived for the Fur Seal feeding/training and the biologists spotted me in the crowd. I got a lot of loud ribbing for being marked "absent" on the calendar for that night and showing up on the premises anyway. Blushing I pointed to Leggs and made very awkward introductions over the bark of Fur Seals and the dividing plexiglass. Leggs got the full tour, backstage and complete with Lumpsuckers. After she sufficiently coo'ed over my babies we hit the market.

Hungry now, I dragged her by all the freebies in the market and Jodi slipped us some Rainier cherries to munch after introductions were made all around at my favorite stall --though CoCo was on his break :(. We found our way to the Crumpet shop and Leggs got to meet Nancy, the owner, and we split a nutella/cheese/blackberry crumpet. Basically I took her around and introduced her to the living contingency that I consider "my Seattle." The weather started to go to crap so we went back to my apartment and I took Leggs for her first ride in a sidecar. My vagabond life had left my belongings scattered all over Seattle and we had to do a lot of dashing about to collect everything I would need for the night.

We slipped by Zombie's and Leggs got to cuddle Fluffy for a quarter of an hour and remarked on how clever and pretty he is. Leggs knows how to charm me. My call time was 5 p.m. and the concert started 7 p.m. I wasn't going to force Leggs to sit through both call and the concert (Hell - I gave her a get-out-of-boring-concert free, but she wanted to see me sing). So I drove her down Broadway to the church, turned around and dropped her at the very edge of Broadway. She'd play in all the odd shops and walk the six blocks to the church for the concert.

Considering I'd spent the entire morning trying to cough up a lung, I don't know how I managed to get through the concert. Guess all those years of choir-girl boot camp really came through. We sounded good. Really good. And I felt very solid in my part --even the point in one song when I, an Alto II, had the highest line all to my self for a whole section. Very disorienting. If you're into the type of music, you would've been impressed with how well we sound. After the concert, Lane approached me and teased me about the only time we'd met prior -- the night I literally blew a gasket before singing in an Irish pub before xmas. I realized that Lane is one of the Compline singers at St. Marks' and I'm totally going to track him down next time I go for Compline.

After the concert, I pulled back on all my bike gear -- soaked through with the fog of the Seattle day -- and we headed across town to the big pig roast. Every year (this was the fourth) my friend F digs a pit in his backyard, buys a 110 lb pig and proceeds to roast it for 24 hours to feed all his friends. This year I helped out by silkscreening the t-shirts for the Bacchanalia. It was soooo much fun. My friend Jason has an incredible set up and showed me how to silkscreen this years design -- a pig with a carrot top growing out of it "Pork is a Vegetable." Futzing only one shirt, I made the shirts for the entire party. It was cool seeing the design that I transferred on everybodies' chest and I made sure Leggs would have one to take home with her. Denny made it out to the party and took a picture of Leggs and I in our matching shirts. I also saw so many people I never get to see -- including B who always cracks me up.

B and I were the last people standing on the Bacchanalia's inaugural year --we ended up talking on the front porch until 5 or 6 in the morning the next day. We have since claimed the crowns as Queen and King of the Bacchanalia, but this year Leggs faded and I figured I should get us both back to Denny's. Poor girl is on East coast time, after all, and I was more than a little beat. Leggs had become so accustomed to riding in the sidecar, she fell asleep in Ballard and slept all the way downtown. Either that's a testament to my driving or her sheer exhaustion :)

bacchanalia, ancora, leggs

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