Kinky Boots, Life Sciences and Giving Up

Mar 20, 2007 10:20

Yesterday I stepped out of boxing to encounter a shock:

It was still light out

So weird. And such a long time coming.
Home-- I cooked some food, tried not to think about sugar (which I'm giving up for the next 2 weeks due to being completely addicted to the vile material) and watched "Kinky Boots". It's official. I am a drag queen. It's all about the lipgloss, outrageous boots and a penchant for singing old Sarah Vaughn, Eartha Kitt and Doris Day songs. I'm also really tall. Yep. I'm definitely a drag queen. 'Cept for that whole being a girl thing.

Last night's drizzle of rain was perfect weather for curling up on the couch with your boy and watching truely crappy t.v. However, as I am not furnished with any of these three items, I made due with a cup of tea, a throttle-happy snake around my neck and a non-fiction book about early scientists. Did you know that the guy who first treated/diagnosed Parkinson's disease (after whom it is named) is the founding father of paleontology. I can't get over the wide spread of expertise these men had. So different from the austistic-type focus of modern thinkers. These days it seems that one has to devote every ounce of his/her attention and energy to a single branch of study to be successful. It seems like such a narrow way to live one's life. I wonder what it must've been like for these renaissance men (sadly, not so many women were in their ranks) to bridge from geology, to physics, to biology, to astronomy and back again to chemistry. What a wonder the world must have been for them everyday.

In other news, I'm frustrated with boxing - definitely hit a wall - so I'm giving up cigarettes and booze for a couple weeks to see if it helps. I've been feeling v. weak and pathetic and that is just not acceptable. I'm also trying to figure out how to work jogging back into my schedule now that the days are getting longer. Somewhere in my seam-stretched schedule I have to start looking for a new place to live (nightmare!) and keep looking for a job that doesn't make me miserable. Wish me luck, folks' I'm in the battle-zone.
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