You keep a diary: Never consistently.
You have a secret journal: Nope.
You set your watch a few minutes ahead: Not purposely, although I might've set my clock off of a fast clock.
You bite your fingernails: Nope
Take a shower everyday: Nope
Have a(any) crush(es): Nope, unless you count my boyfriend.
Think you know you've been in love: Aye
Been hurt: Hasn't everyone?
Want to get married: Yes, if solely for the fact that I'd get an awesome party.
Have any tattoos/where?: Not yet D:
Piercing/where?: Two in each ear
Think you're a health freak: No, but I should be.
Get along with your parents: Yup.
NUMBER: 9. I like its curvy aesthetic.
COLOR: Green, orange, well...everything really XD
DAY: The one where I don't have to do anything.
MONTH: October. Or maybe November.
SONG: I can't pick just one... but right now I'd probably say The Peeper by the Easy Access Orchestra. It reminds me of the Spy from TF2.
FOOD: Lots.
SPORT: Uphill poi running. It should be an Olympic sport. Then I'd watch the Olympics.
DRINK: Thai iced coffee, right now.
VEGGIE: Corn, peas, carrots in the right situation, broccoli in the right situation, artichoke... do potatoes count?
FRUIT: Strawberries!
In the last 24 hours have you:
HELPED SOMEONE? ...I dunno, maybe?
GOTTEN SICK? To my stomach, yes.
GONE OUT FOR DINNER? Sort of? went out for dinner but came back with dinner in hand.
SAID "I LOVE YOU"? Yes. Lots.
MISSED SOMEONE? Erh...sorta?
FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND? Nope...well, gave a scolding. Does that count?
would you ever...
1. Eat a bug? Depends on how it's prepared.
2. Bungee jump? Oh my, no.
3. Hang glide? You know, I'm just generally not comfortable when my feet aren't on something at least semi-solid.
4. would you cheat on your bf/gf? Absolutely not.
5. Have sex with someone you don't love? No.
6. Kiss someone of the same sex? This is going to sound strange to most people given the last two answers, but I am not opposed to this at all.
7. Parachute from a plane? See answer 3.
8. Walk on hot coals? If by 'hot coals' you mean the specially prepared coal walking coals, maybe.
9. Go out with someone for his or her looks? ...In a committed relationship heeeere...
10. For their reputation? wat
11. Be a vegetarian? I like chicken too much. And fish.
12. Wear plaid with stripes? Plaid has stripes on, doesn't it? >_>
13. IM a stranger? Not randomly, no. If I wanted to talk to said stranger, maybe.
14. Sing karaoke? Sure.
15. Get drunk? Depends on the area and nature of the situation.
16. Shoplift? Not intentionally. There have been stupid mishaps where I looked the fool, though.
17. Run a red light? I don't think I have, and I'd generally not...
18. Dye your hair blue? Blue's not a good color on me from what I can tell. Now, bright fluorescent orange...
19. Be on Survivor? I'd rather not.
20. Wear makeup in public? Why not?
21. NOT wear makeup in public? The majority of the time.
22. Make someone cry? Uh... I'd rather not...
23. Kick a baby? What?
24. Date someone more than ten years older than you? sure.
25. Stay up all through the night? JUST DID HAHA
Have you:
1.Fallen for your best friend? Yep.
2.made out with a friend? I've only ever made out with one person. ._.
3.been rejected? Not to my face or knowledge?
4.been in love? Wasn't this question asked earlier?
5.used someone? Not consciously.
6.been used? Not as far as I know
7.been cool? Never 8D
8.done something you regret? Duh
who was the last person...
9.you touched? Dan
10.you talked to? Dan
11.you hugged? Dan
12.you IMed? Rihatsu... roomie sent me some links, but, er, that doesn't count as there was no back and forth.
13.you kissed? Dan
14.you had sex with? Dan (almost typoed that Sam. That...would have been interesting.)
15.you yelled at? Prooobably also Dan. But not angrily.
16.you laughed with? Dan.
17.who broke your heart? Dan
18.who told you they loved you? Dan. Wow, that set of questions was pretty funny.
Do you...
19. color your hair? Yes.
20.have tattoos? Want them.
21.have piercings? Yes.
22.have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ja
23.own a webcam? built in.
24.own a thong? >_> yes.
25.ever get off the computer? Yep.
Have you/do you/are you...
26. stolen anything? Sometimes. ._.
27. schizophrenic? Hope not.
28. are you obsessive? Sometimes.
29. panic? Sometimes.
30. if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Perfection. (...Shuddup it's an answer)
31. what facial feature do you like most about your boyfriend/girlfriend? Eyes.
32. would you vote for a woman president? Not based solely on gender, no. I tend to prefer brainmeats to boobies/balls.
33. would you marry for money? Urh.
34. Have you had braces? A lot.
35. do you pluck your eyebrows? No.
36. do you like mustaches? Depends on the mustache.
37. when did you last have a hickey? Years ago.
38. By who? ...Dan.
39. who do you want to kiss? Daaaaan.
40. If you could get stuck with anyone in a closet who would it be? Daniel.