Aug 07, 2004 13:32
damn its been a really long time since i have updated .. like actually wrote something.. well nothing has really been crackin. just like i have been registering and just hangin out at the canaba's house hold and playin soccer. well registration sucked balls.. i was going back and forth getting all this shit signed, and when i though i was done, BAM! another signature was needed .. but i made it through. i was some people that i hadn't seen in a while.. but i didn't see the person i really wanted to see... i really miss this person but oh well. oh i went with adam to registration cuz brandon took us and yeah . so after me and adam were done, we went to this dude, fernie's house.. he kept buggin us to go to the skate park.. but i wasn't really in the park mood.. so before registration happened, me and adam skated to mcdonalds. it was early so my muscles were all jacked.. well we went and adam got a sausage biscuit and i got the worst cup of coffee . it was hot as hell.. and when it cooled down.. it tasted like shit nuggets.. well yeah . so i put it on the floor and then i did a little half shifty ollie to know it down and it fucken fell on my board.. fuck that sucked.. ok.. well after registration, adam and i had to wait for brandon to be done with football. so when he was done, we went to mcdonalds and brandon got 4 happy meals just so he could get the beanie babies for his mom.. it was kool.. so then we went home and adam and i knocked out cuz we were tired.. so we woke up and then went to chico's with eric eskobar.. and that was yesterday .haha .. ok well i'll update yesterday .. so take it easy and take care.