Birthday / Lyrics meme

Oct 05, 2008 12:50

My secular birthday was yesterday! We had ninabrujaha and Jonathan (her husband) for Shabbos, and friends for both dinner Friday night and lunch yesterday, and people brought birthday cakes for both meals (peanut butter chocolate bars at dinner, and a babka-like pull-apart cake with chocolate spread frosting and colored sprinkles for lunch). And we still have some of the second cake left over, so, yay.

Also, I decided to do a music meme (the Guess the Lyric kind; those are always fun), which I copied from mawaridi, so here goes:

* Put your music player on random.
* Post the first line from the first 32 songs that play
* Let everyone guess what song and artist the lines come from
* Bold the songs when someone guesses correctly
* Looking them up on a search engine is verbotten!
* Skip instrumentals... foreign language songs... songs where the title is the first line [I didn't skip foreign language songs unless they're Jewish songs that are taken straight from Tehillim or davening; it would be unfair to make people guess which artist's version I'm using.]

My notes:
-In some cases I may have fudged the lines a tiny bit, like if it would have been too obvious the other way. [Edit: I fixed the fudged lyrics.]
-Also, half of this music is my husband's since I'm sharing his computer nowadays. I don't really listen to that much [insert name of the band who sings half of the songs on this list]. I actually do listen to that much [insert name of the singer who sings the other half of the songs on the list].
-Uh, yeah, I know that there has been music written after 1999 but I just don't listen to that much of it? Sorry.

1. Try to be best, 'cause you're only a man, and a man's gotta learn to take it
2. Lying in your arms, so close together, didn't know just what I had
3. I saw this girl and boy tonight, reminded me of you and I
4. יום לפני שנסעתי, אבא אמר לי, שב, יש לי מילה לדבר איתך לפני שאתה עוזב
5. Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray
6. Come on, babe, won't we paint the town
7. Pressure, pushing down on me, pressing down on you
8. Today I'm living like a rich man's son; tomorrow morning I could be a bum
9. Hey, ja-ja-jaded, you've got your momma's style, but you're yesterday's child to me
10. You went uptown riding in your limousine, with your fine Park Avenue clothes
11. I knew you before the fall of Rome, and I begged you to let me take you home
12. Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
13. Hot wax dripping, honey, what do you say
14. As I walk through my valley where I harvest my grain, I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain
15. Oh, I come from a land, from a faraway place, where the caravan camels roam
16. Out here in the fields I fight for my meals
17. Me and my old lady sitting in the shade, talking 'bout the money that I ain't made
18. And it's those same pictures I'm beginning to see now as I'm welcomed with comfort by the angels of hell
19. And we stare each other down like victims in the grind, probing all the weakness and hurt still left behind
20. Do I stress you out? My sweater is on backwards and inside out
21. Big wheels keep on turning, carry me home to see my kin
22. I have a dream that I will live my life for you, and I would follow all the people and reveal your secrets too
23. It's nine o'clock on a Saturday, the regular crowd shuffles in
24. You're beatiful, that's for sure, you'll never ever fade
25. I wonder what it's like to be a rain-maker; I wonder what it's like to know that I make the rain
26. Please don't tell, I never meant to hurt you though I didn't wish you well
27. Let him come into the city, let him find his lucky penny, let him put it in his pocket and shake it all around
28. Joey Keys was from my neighborhood, some would say that he was bad, and Joe thought that was good
29. If I could stick my pen in my heart, and spill it all over the stage, would it satisfy you
30. אלפיים שנה אני נודד, מחפש את הארץ אותה אני אוהב
31. I was bruised and battered, I couldn't tell what I felt
32. If I could change the world like a fairy tale

Good luck!

PS: Go Jersey!

old meme is old

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