Two stories that happened to me over the past few days:
1. Tuesday night, I was taking the bus from work to campus, and about three miles short of
Bar Ilan, the bus breaks down. In the middle of the highway.
Now, when I say in the middle of the highway, I mean, he didn't pull over to the shoulder--he did pull over to the white diagonal lines where the lanes diverged, so I guess that's something...but we were in the middle of the road. Of course, it was 1:45 AM, so it's not like there was a lot of traffic.
Anyway, the bus is broken down, it's the middle of the night, and it's about a forty-five minute walk to my dorm.
Egged is telling the bus driver that they can get a replacement bus out there (for all five of the passengers--I wish I were exaggerating) in an hour and a half (What the heck? The entire country is the size of New Jersey, and it takes half an hour to drive down the block!). I'm not even upset. Just amused, is all.
Of course, if I'd had to wait the entire time, I probably would have gotten cranky. What happened is that this
Haredi couple caught a cab, and offered me a (free!) ride along with them--since they were going on the highway, they dropped me off at the front gate.
Nice people are awesome.
2. Yesterday at work, the bottom of my skirt got caught in the wheel of my chair. Actually, this is a fairly common occurence. It happens a number of times a day, and it can get annoying, because it weakens the material and so all of my denim skirts are frayed at the end. But it's not usually a big deal, because I can usually just roll the wheel in the opposite direction, or if not, just tug my skirt out of the wheel.
Only yesterday, it didn't come out. So I pulled harder. And nothing.
Which was great, because I'd really wanted to spend the rest of my life dragging an office chair around on my skirt!
So I'm sitting on the floor, trying to get my skirt out of the wheel. And I have an audience, of course. Someone offers to help--I pull on the bottom of my skirt, and he pulls on the chair, and the wheel comes off of the chair, into my hand, still attached to my skirt.
By now, pretty much everyone in our corner of the room is dying. I finally manage to untangle my skirt (which now has a tail), and I'm left with a wheel in my hand. In the end, we turn the chair upside down and stick the wheel back in, so there's no permanent damage.
Still. Your mom.