If it rains the first night of Sukkot, it's compared to a servant who serves a goblet of water to th

Oct 19, 2005 08:07

Have not had time to update recently because work has been crazily hectic, but I am so not getting into that. It's Chol Hamo'ed1 Sukkot2 now in Israel, but in America, it's still Yom Tom3, and it won't be finished until tonight, EST. Ha ha.

I love Sukkot. Not just (although largely) because of my Hebrew birthday on Saturday night/Sunday day, but also because I love actual sukkahs. And seeing my grandparents/cousins, but they're in America, so I don't actually see them anymore. And sitting outdoors and eating, even though [or davka because] I'm shivering my butt off.

Speaking of, it rained today. It was quite exciting, plus a bit freezing. (In Israel, it only rains half the year, so I haven't seen any real rain since March.)

In other news, I have an awesome new haircut. I caught lice on Yom Kippur (is that a bad sign?), and Chloe was trying to lice-comb my hair the next day, but it was next to impossible, so I got it cut that afternoon. It's shoulder-length and layered, and I can barely fit it into a ponytail--not very different from the one I got a year and a half ago (which was the last haircut I'd gotten until now).

I think that's it for now.

1. The part of the holiday when I'm allowed to be on the computer.
2. The Jewish holiday when we sit in huts and I have a birthday!
3. The part of the holiday when I'm not allowed to be on the computer.

chagim u'zmanim l'sasson / holidays

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