A meme, a meme, provide me with a meme...

Sep 22, 2005 09:15

LJ Interests meme results

  1. being the rightist one:
    Well, it doesn't really make sense without the corresponding "being the leftist one" interest--basically, wherever I go, I'm either the most right-wing or the most left-wing in the circle. I like hanging out with people who don't agree with me on anything, apparently.
  2. comedy:
    Because it's FUNNY! Unless it sucks.
  3. five jews six opinions:
    The old joke. It fits very well with the Jewish side of my family.
  4. hebrew:
    It's the kind of thing I should learn, living where I do.
  5. jaywalking:
    Drivers in Israel seem to think that pedestrians are idiots who don't know how to cross the street. Hence, "Hello, I'm American--I know how to jaywalk!"
  6. max/tess:
    The Rebel Alliance, all the way. (Go Roswell!)
  7. physics:
    Assuming I pass this prep course.
  8. snape is not evil:
    I thought it went without saying, but apparently it does not. So I said it.
  9. the great gatsby:
    Not only does it drive a point, but it's quite entertaining and full of nice one-liners.
  10. yankee stadium:
    I miss that place, man.

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