The first hint that maybe I like math better than physics!

Aug 21, 2005 13:56

Hello, my name is queenkakia, and I am addicted to Red Bull (and pizza borekas).

In other news, this physics class thing is going well. It's all high school stuff, which if I remembered high school physics at all, I would already know (instead of merely recognize), but after learning calculus, this stuff is quite easy (plus, I can always use calculus to double-check my work).

About five times a day, one or another of the students will say, "But why can't you just take the derivative?" and the other students will roll their eyes, and the teacher will say, "There are no derivatives; we didn't learn derivatives."

At least now I can say derivative in Hebrew. And significant digit. And vector. Angle, acceleration, equator, absolute value, common vocabulary has, like, quadrupled.

Also, I hung out with buhariankid for a little while on Thursday. Fun stuff. Apparently, everyone connected to physics at Bar Ilan speaks Russian--not that I'm surprised--so I am very jealous of him.

Working 5 PM to 1 AM is insanely different from 7 AM to 3 PM. It's fun, though--by the end of my shift, I am bouncing off the walls (see the first sentence to this entry). And we get a free taxi home (because the buses in Jerusalem end at midnight--what a loser city, man), which means that really, I can finish work at 1 AM and then be in bed by 1:20 AM! It is crazy.

PS: Everybody wish a happy birthday to ninabrujaha!

avigyel i need coffee, university, work

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