In case you've been wondering what happened to me...

Jun 19, 2005 11:20

Not that it's all that important but, I figured I'd just shortly explain. No, I'm not infected with a deadly disease. It was just finals, and Matt.

The past few months have been the best of my life. I fell in love. It's as simple as that. Maybe I'll have even better months to come. But these few have been spectacular.

And as the school year came to a close, I just freaked out about finals. I once said that I was going to prepare months in advance for them, and of course that didn't happen, and every weekend I said I would work on my finals prep, Matt would invite me over... and of course... what's a teenage girl to do?

I haven't gotten my grades back yet, but I did study very hard (the nights before :$) and the week before as well, so I'm not too worried.

Last friday was my three month with Matt, as well as my best friends Sweet Sixteen. I read her a little speech I wrote and she was tearing up a bit, which was sweet.

Today I'm going to the cemetary for the first time since my grandfather passed away to visit his grave with my mom, dad, and grandma.

I'm SOOOO excited for summer reading. I'm going into AP English and we got some really great books.
-Stand Before Your God by Paul Watkins
-Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynne Truss
-Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
(I could switch FFN with Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neal Postman, The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe, or A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf... any opinions on these are appreciated)

But grrrr.. I got three bigggg books for AP Comp Sci for that summer assignment... and it's going to kill me x 3. We're back to Java, which I loathe. *frown*

And I have one book for AP US History which sounds boring, and I don't remember the name so oh well.

I'm planning on trying to actually LEARN latin over the break too, so Latin III doesn't kick my ass. I found this website:

It has study tutorials and whatnot. Latin III is all translation.

OH. And I picked up some SparkCharts for next year. They are <3. I got one for PreCalc, Music Theory, and writing English essays.

I'm so on top of Junior year, nothing can stop me now. Plus I'm totally relaxed for this summer. Even though I have my weekday camp job, my weekend party job, my hospital monday nights thing, and my monday, tuesday, and wednesday flag twirling stuff (starting in july - I'm going to captain!)

So yeah, those are the thoughts that have consumed my mind for the past few months. If you read them, then... thank you. If you skipped a few, then thank you. If all you are reading is this... then thank you.

Haha, and to everybody who's missed me. Thank you.
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