Day 23

Jan 08, 2009 23:09

I'm gonna keep posting things that make me happy daily if possible. I find it entertaining & its probably good for the psyche to do stuff like this:

Day 1: (12/17) My doctor, himself, actually called me today! Not a cranky menopausal nurse, not a strung out med student, but the doctor HIMSELF. He wanted to know what was happening with my xray, cause he never got the papers. (not suprised) Luckily, I've had to become a record-keeping master over the years, and have the films at home. He (himself again!) is gonna call & put the squeeze on the radiologist to send him the report. Also, my buttered bagel with ham tasted pretty good this morning & I wanted another. Oh and Sharon was impressed by my mad research skills & secret knowledge of chemical hazards & occupational safety. I knew all that stupid manual reading & OSHA training crap would come in handy someday.

Day 2: (12/18) Oh hell, I don't know. Day 2 was a doosie. But the Rubykitty always makes me happy, and guacamole. :3 Oh- and picturing Milla Jovovich with a riding crop & thigh-high black leather boots. ;)

Day 3: (12/19) Writing to Julian. Getting asked about how I got to where I am in my career. Therefore, feeling like I've done something with myself.

Day 4: (12/20) Heavy duty craft glue, vicodan, snow sharks, electric heat, new computers, sea creatures, nice conversations with Emily, Matty, & Nicolai, rhinestones, blueberry waffles with bacon, and argyle.

Day 5: (12/21) A thin layer of snow on a thick layer of ice on a thick layer of snow on a thin layer of ice,, finally getting to properly update my Myspace, 3 Bean Hot Dish

Day 6: (12/22) Finally getting out of the house, if even just to the store. Eating the chocolate moussey stuff my mom made. Taking photos of the crazy 40-year storm

Day 7: (12/23) Kittens in cat cups, getting christmas eve off, chinese noodles, talking to that punky guy on the train, eggs on bagels, the fake Thundercats trailer, being praised at work, whiskey, rockin' the combination skully scarf & purple/black argyle sweater vest :>

Day 8: (12/24) Major Dickason's Blend from the French Press with Peppermint Mocha Coffeemate, another good appointment with the new doc (he takes me seriously - hallelujah!), wild orange spice tea, the big maroon argyle pullover that made Sunny look hilarious but looks pretty good on me, hot hot showers mmm, drinks & hors de ourves with the neighbors and their ridiculously cute rambunctious little 2 year-old, spiral cut ham, perhaps presents tomorrow? :D

Day 9: (12/25) Presents (see previous post), Perry Mason, listening to my tiny new mp3 player, prime rib, Tazo Passion herbal tea, tag clouds, fancy new layouts, breakfast casserole, lap cats, Rachel Maddow

Day 10: (12/26) Slush where once was ice, being the first one into work, listening to the Doors on my mp3 player, Todai's tasty buffet & their tiny desserts, seeing Moni, Amy, Tim & co. for the first time in aaages, making new journals, Tazo Passion tea, xanax, driving crazy to try and shake the snow off the roof, online flirting, sharing with my 'rents: the wonder that is using the toaster oven like a regular oven, Gwen Ifill, Dad telling me he'd put the chest I painted containing my g. grandma's journals somewhere 'prominent', camilia scented heart shaped soap

Day 11: (12/27) Seeing Moni, Andrew, Jess & Mel, bras with removable air pockets, sexy new clothes that actually fit, sleeping in really late, short-chain fatty acids, kittens with ribbons, ogHr, the bad economy making the post-christmas sales much better, conversations about double-ended dildos

Day 12: (12/28) Finding perfectly fitting clothes as if hanging in a glowing shaft of light....(& new underwear, socks and bras!), coconut hand lotion, Hot Pot City, fun times with friends, pinball, flirting, randomly running into Tyler (!!), delicious hot toddies, paper brains

Day 13: (12/29) Bosslady getting me outta the lab for a bit, getting to do something new at work, sick time, alka selzer, hot things filled with rice & lavender for aching joints, Tazo Passion Tea, dogs that do math, Ruby playing with ribbons, chatting with Matty, Brandon & Sunny, Tom Waits' Magical Trunk

Day 14: (12/30) Pinball, popcorn, pork roast & squash, chenille blankets, orange flavored chocolate, whiskey

Day 15: (12/31) Lil' smokies, hot showers, ruffley collars, red & black, nose compliments, whiskey, 5 4 3 2 1...Happy New Year!, wool blankets, cute boys & girls, Christopher Walken dancing, purple eyeshadow, beards

Day 16: (01/01) Sausage & egg biscuits with hash brown sticks, new growth on a dead plant (apparantly it was only....mostly dead), a clean bedroom, horseradish sauce, elam, Ruby's a good kitty :3

Day 17: (01/02) Lavender martinis, my black polka-dotted tie, Portland City Grill, naps, Tazo Passion Tea, The McLaughlin Group 2008 Year-End Awards, left-over prime rib, flotsam & jetsam, ramen with prime rib & peas, protamine sulfate

Day 18: (01/03) Lasagna, kitties, new bumper stickers, pork buns, french press coffee, square balloons & root beer, hangin out with Emily, little blue robots, getting out of a bad decision, heart-shaped camilia scented soap

Day 19: (01/04) Good friends in medicine, hashbrowns, a clean aquarium, skully scarf, Unknown Species of Marine Cephalopod T-shirt, orange-flavored chocolate, being relatively computer literate...because they keep breaking! >:0

Day 20: (01/05) Winning today, old friends, lemon drop, chocolate, really big cans of tea

Day 21: (01/06) Cinnamon red bean mochi, taco salad, relative peace & quiet, chocolate carmel coffee creamer, my new tripod, rubykins, this wonderful strange thing that arrived in the mail:

Day 22: (01/07) potentially finding a new place to live, my black sparkly short-sleved hoodie, taco salad, coffee, geeks, Andrew & I discussing the wonders of vaginal microflora, Vaux's Swifts, rubykitty!, Tazo Passion tea, shrimps, money

Day 23: (01/08) perfectly cooked eggs, Mark & Brian, fish swimming against aquarium turbulence, crazy gypsy music, girls on stilts, that all-terrain-vehicle quality little kids have, curry pinepple fried rice with raisins and cashews, peanut sauce, hanging out with new and old friends, big shoes, hard apple cider, ruby amusing herself, music played on wine glasses, hot showers

showers, legumes, breakfast, cider, fish, music, eggs, asian food, conversations, animals, cats, sea creatures

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