Jim Carrey Reads Letterman Top 10 From A Bubble Bath With Larry King
December 18, 2008 07:43 AM
Jim Carrey promoted his movie "Yes Man" Wednesday by reading a "Top 10 Things Jim Carrey Will Always Say Yes To" on Letterman - via satellite from a bubble bath. The list was hilarious, and judging by reviews may be funnier than the movie Carrey was promoting.
10. Dressing up like an Iraqi and throwing a shoe at President Bush
6. David Letterman's drunken requests to see me taking a bath.
The highlight, however, was #1, which led to a wideshot of CNN anchor Larry King in the bath along with Carrey, sipping champagne.
There's a video at the following link too. The funniest part, by far, is the picture. XD
Link @ Huffington Post