Title: Rishan D’Kahf-spol (Heart’s Survival)
swordsart Author:
1lostone Rating: NC-17
Universe: TOS+ Reboot
Words: 22,259
jademac2442 Pairings: K/S and of course, K/S
Warnings: None really. Some angst and h/c.
Summary: Jim and Spock , who can barely tolerate working together, let alone come anywhere near the epic friendship they’re supposed to have, find themselves on an inhospitable (but strangely not uninhabited) planet- stranded from the Enterprise.
A/N: Written as a pinch-hit for the
trekreversebang for
swordsart 's amazing art. Also thanks to my cheerleading squad,
jlm121 ,
littleboycalico , and
yesterday_girl Link to Art:
Here Link to Fic:
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6